Big Brother

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Finn helped his girlfriend out of her front door, letting Sam close the door behind them as he opened the passenger side door to his truck, "Ready?"

Dani stared at her boyfriend's old truck, shaking her head as her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, "I'm not getting in that truck. Sam, help me back inside because I'm not going to school today." 

"Dani, baby, we're going to be late. Come on, just get in the car. Your doctor said you're fine to go to school as long as you're using your crutches," Finn tried to reason with her, throwing her backpack in the bed of the truck along with his own and Sam's.

Her hands shook as she tried to keep herself upright, refusing to get in the vehicle. The more both of them tried to coax her into the old, green truck, the more she got frustrated. After hearing Finn reassure her for the twentieth time that she would be okay, she threw her crutches at him, "I'm not getting in the damn truck, Finn! Last time I was in a car, I almost died. Don't you understand that? Quinn may never be able to walk again, Madi will have a huge scar on her face, and I'm broken in four places!"

Catching her as she fell backwards a little from standing too long on one leg, Sam mumbled into her ear, "What can make this better? Because you have to get in the truck. I know you're scared but you just have to."

"If I could trade places with you, I would but I can't and I'm so sorry. But Sam's right, you have to face this fear. So, can we please go to school?" Finn asked, offering her the pair of crutches she threw at his head.

Dani slowly nodded, taking the crutches from his to get herself to the truck.

"Dans, you can stop praying now. We're here," Sam informed her, bumping her shoulder slightly to snap her back to reality. 

Not only was she terrified of riding in a car, she was terrified that her and Quinn's injuries could be permanent. However, Dani quickly discovered that Quinn didn't share that same fear because the moment they stepped foot into school, they found Quinn rolling behind Artie announcing that she couldn't be happier. 

Glee Club started at the ringing of the bell with a banner that read: WELCOME BACK QUINN & DANI, because Madi had returned to school the Monday after their accident which was a week ago. In a very odd turn of events, Quinn and Artie immediately took the floor for their incredibly weird yet extremely ironic rendition of Elton John's "I'm Still Standing".

"Here's a lesson for your board, Mr. Schue. Don't text and drive. Ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done. Besides sleeping with Puck. There's a lot of rumors floating around, so let's clear the air. First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. But my spine was severely compressed in the car accident, which basically means I can't move my feet or legs. But the good thing is that I'm starting to regain feeling, so with a lot of physical therapy, and your prayers, I stand a good chance for a full recovery. So no tears. That means you, Tina. Oh, and I apologize for the number. My dance moves aren't as smooth as Artie's yet." 

Artie laughs at Quinn, "With practice, they will be."

Quinn shook her head, looking down at her hands, "I promise that by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage."

"How are you, Dani?"

The question snaps her out of her daydream of dancing at Nationals like Quinn promised, causing her to look up from her shoes and at Rory, who asked the question after the applause died down. She cleared her throat, shrugging as she twisted the cool metal of her crutches between her hands as though she were starting a fire, "I had a surgery and my leg is broken in three places. So, I'm living the dream."

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