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During November recess Quinn and Dani happily returned to Lima, Ohio to see their friends for Thanksgiving like they promised before they went their separate ways after graduation. Quinn and Dani walked through the halls of McKinley hand in hand, giggling as they walked to the auditorium, "So are you and Finn..."

Dani bit her lip, chuckling at Quinn's latest inquiries about her and Finn's relationship, "Sort of, after Grease we talked about it and we agreed that we wanted to get back together eventually."

"Does anyone else know or is it just me?

The music major shook her head vigorously as she held the door open to get into the auditorium, where they told their friends they would meet them, "No one knows because we're not together. We're just seeing where we end up. Now let's talk about something else."

"I'm glad we're going home for the holiday because I've missed everyone and seeing them for like five minutes after Grease wasn't enough."

Dani chuckled, following Quinn on stage, "Me too."

The Alumni, barring Kurt and Rachel, met in the April Rhodes Civic Pavilion for the first time since their Graduation, singing a mash-up of Simon & Garfunkel's "Homeward Bound" and Phillip Phillips' "Home", the song ending with all eight of them on the stage.

Quinn smiled at Puck, allowing him to hug her after he and Dani let go of one another, "Home for the holidays... just like we promised."

"Guys, I-I..."

Puck playfully glared at his best friend, laughing as Nate tripped over his foot while trying to give Mercedes a hug, "Dude, if you start crying, I'm gonna kick your ass."

After being pulled off the ground by Mike and Dani, Nate pulled them closer to him and motioned for the others to join them, "Group hug!"

The group of eight McKinley High alumni squeezed themselves into one small booth at Breadstix, catching up and enjoying each other's company while Puck commenced in recounting one of his latest L.A stories, "So I said, "You girls are gonna need another cup." Yeah, but, guys, I'd like to propose a toast: To almost all of us keeping our promise to come home for Thanksgiving."

"Cheers! Cheers!"

Nate reached his arm into the center of the table, connecting his glass of Coke with the others', "Here's to us."

Santana addressed the missing duo from their graduating class, asking the burning question of their whereabouts, "Has anybody heard from Rachel or Kurt?"


Many of the former New Directions shoot Nathan Robinson a sympathetic smile, knowing that Rachel has been avoiding his calls and has already moved on with a guy who goes to NYADA. Mike takes a drink of his fountain drink, shrugging as a response, "I know Blaine's been texting him, but Kurt won't text back."

Dani nodded, corroborating Mike's information as she leaned into the arm draped behind her, "Kurt's too hurt to talk to Blaine. I've been talking with Kurt whenever I have a chance, he seems to be thriving in New York with his internship at"

Quinn cleared her throat, glancing to her left at the semi-honorably discharged brunette, "Well, Rachel e-mailed me. She said she's not really sure what she's doing for the holidays yet. I'm sorry about what went down with the two of you."

"No, it's cool. It's for the best," Nate quickly dismisses, knowing from her tone and the angry phone call he'd received after his break-up with Rachel that she didn't feel sorry for him at all.

Mercedes lays a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to change the mood, "Well, I think that it's sweet that you and Rachel keep in touch, Quinn."

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