The Wedding

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"You're excited to come home? Can't wait to see our best friends get married?"

Quinn shook her head, her heart racing as the vehicle neared their destination, "No. I mean, yes I love them and I'm totally happy for them. But I'm actually excited because I finally get to come back and see Rachel. It's been too long since I saw her in person and these FaceTime calls just make me miss her more."

The twin smiled at the ear to ear grin that her best friend held at the thought of seeing her girlfriend in person for the first time in months, "You're adorable when you talk about your girlfriend."

"You used to get like that when talking about Finn," Quinn chuckled, remembering the countless nights of Dani's chipperness at the thought of seeing Finn. It took the car skidding to a halt in the parking lot of Lima's one bridal boutique to make Quinn realize what she'd said, turning to apologize at the sore subject, "Oh my God, I'm sorry. I didn't think."

"It's fine. No, I promise it's fine. I loved him, I still do even though he's not with us anymore. And he was your friend so never talking about him again is totally crazy, don't apologize. But can I just say when you told me you had a crush on her, I was waiting for this day."

Quinn watched her best friend climb out of the driver's side, having a random thought about relationships, "You know what I just realized?"


Quinn closed her passenger side door, hearing the click of the internal lock after Dani pressed the key fob, "That you're bi and you've never had a girlfriend. How is it that I'm more gay than you and you've been out longer?"

Dani stiffened at the comment, hating that someone verbally reminded her of her internal battle of how valid her sexuality is because she's only ever dated men. She clears her throat, politely opening the door for her companion, "Not that I have to explain myself and defend my sexuality to you. But it's because I was in the closet after I figured it out. Then I was with Finn so I never got the chance to date a woman. Now, shut up and let's go surprise them at their fitting."

The blondes walk into the bridal boutique, quietly making their way back to the area where their friends and the brides to be were for their fittings. Rachel caught a glimpse of her girlfriend in the mirror, turning around excitedly to throw her arms around her, "Quinn!"

Mercedes wrapped her arms around Dani, happy to see her friend, "I thought you two we're coming in until the day of?"

Dani shrugged innocently, hugging each of the brides before giving Tina and Rachel each a quick hug, "We wanted to surprise you all and I wanted to see these beautiful brides pick out their dresses."

Santana rubs her hands together in anticipation, smiling at the five bridesmaids sitting in the arm chairs, "Listen up, bitches. Here is the game plan. Britt and I do not want to see each other in our dresses till the wedding. So we're gonna come out one at a time and show you our selections. Okay?"

Brittany sent a glare at her fiancee, "And no peeking, Santana, 'cause I don't want 9,000 years of bad luck. Ooh, let the fashion show begin!"

Santana and Brittany took turns walking down the runway, showing their potential dresses to their closest friends for their opinion. After each bride modeled about a half dozen dresses, Brittany came out of her dressing room in a dress that all five of her bridesmaids adored. Mercedes gasped in awe, fanning herself with the paper sign, "Oh... Brittany, that's it."

"That is absolutely stunning."

Brittany nods, agreeing with the fawning praises she'd received from her friend as she whispers so Santana can't hear, "I think this is the one, you guys."

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