The Mash-Off

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"Stop staring."

The sound of Danielle Karofsky's voice snapped Puck out of his stare, causing him to turn around to face her, "Huh, what? I wasn't staring at anyone."

"Oh really? So you don't have a crush on Ms. Corcoran and you didn't sabotage Quinn's sabotage?" Dani hummed, knowing that she was right.

Puck's jaw dropped, eyes wide, when he heard Dani call him out on the thing he's been trying so hard to cover up, "How the Hell are you so good at that?! Every damn time, it's like you're a psychic."

"No I'm just observant and I guessed about that last part. You know that you and her would never work and you shouldn't even try pursuing her because if something goes wrong, you could ruin your chances of being in Beth's life."

"But if it works out, I'll have a family and still get to be Beth's dad," Puck counters, already having thought it through from all angles.

Dani sighed, trying not to reprimand him like a child, "Maybe. Just think about it, don't do anything too outrighteous unless you're one hundred percent ready to deal with the consequences of your decision."

By the time Glee Club came around, Puck came in with "Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen prepared with Mike and Blaine singing back-up while Finn played the drums and Nate played the bass,  "Whoo! Wow! Puck, guys, spectacular! What a way to start off this week! You guys didn't even need an assignment to work on this. You just did it."

Rachel raised her hand, "Mr. Schuester, while the performance was excellent particularly the bass playing-"

Quinn retched at Rachel's fawning over Nathan Robinson, rolling her eyes at her comment, "Gross."

Rachel frowned at Quinn's mumbling, continuing in her questioning of Puck's performance, "Don't you think that the subject matter is a little inappropriate?"

"Only Rachel Berry would have a problem with Van Halen, geez," Dani laughed, having enjoyed Puck's performance about having feelings for Shelby Corcoran.

"Well, that depends on what Puck's intent was when he chose this song," Mr. Schue hummed, clapping Puck on the shoulder.

Puck glanced out of the window, then back to Mr. Schue, seeing the knowing look Dani Karofsky was giving her from across the room, "I guess I just, uh, dig Van Halen."

"All right! Rock on! Yep, good job, guys."

Rory ran to catch up to Finn and Dani as they made their way to the auditorium, "Dani, you're a girl."

Dani looked sideways at the Irishman, snorting, "Thanks for making that observation, I forget sometimes."

Rory shook his head profusely, groaning at his choice of words when initiating the conversation, "No, I mean you're a girl so you understand them. Can you tell me how to make a girl notice me because after Brittany left for New Directions and Santana told me to leave her alone, the only girl that talks to me is you and Quinn."

"Come on, dude you're awesome. Girls just have to get to know you and they'll see how cool you are," Finn encouraged, clapping Rory on the shoulder as they join the rest of their friends at the auditorium.

"He's right," Dani agreed, grabbing the sophomore by the shoulders. "Just be yourself and put yourself out there and girls will pay attention."

Leading the New Directions onto the stage, as per Mr. Schue's request, Rachel sees Santana leading the Trouble Tones out onto the stage from stage right, "What are you doing here?"

"Shelby told us she has something to show us. What are you doing here?" Mercedes asks, looking at the group of friends that she misses terribly now that she's not a part of the New Directions.

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