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Mr. Schuester stumbled into the choir room, sniffling and feeling the congestion of whatever illness he contracted from the students of William McKinley High School. His hands shaking from the cold chills that radiated his body, he scribes 'SECTIONALS, GEAR UP!' on the board, "All right, guys, um...Time to start thinking about song selections."

When he turns to face his twelve students, seeing their ten year old alternatives seated where their much older teenage persons once were. Santana leaned over, looking down at the newly returned Noah Puckerman, "Lookin' good, Puckerman. Someone's been eating their Wheaties."

Puck removed his arms from the backs of the chairs on either side of him, flexing his biceps, "These guns are fully loaded."

"Mr. Schue? I, for one think we should use our set list for sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of one Bernadette Peters."

Dani leaned forward, tapping Rachel's shoulder to get her attention as she propped her chin onto Finn Hudson's shoulder, "Isn't she the redhead who guest starred on Grey's Anatomy in Season 5?"

Kurt grabbed the Cheerio by the face, ecstatic that she'd retained some of the extensive lessons in the stars of Broadway history and his introduction to her favorite new medical television show, squealing in delight, "Yes, you're right! Danielle Karofsky, you've made me a happy man."

"Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the oeuvre," Brittany announced, confusing her classmates.

"I just want to dance."

"Ooh, me too!" Dani gasped, giving her dance partner a high five.

Mercedes sees the nausea come forefront in their teacher's facial expressions, growing concerned for his health, "Mr. Schuester, you look a little green."

"Um... I think I'm gonna go see the nurse. But first I feel like I should get you guys a sitter," Will incoherently mumbles before falling to the ground.

"How well do we know this Blaine guy?" Finn questioned, closing his locker after shoving all his school supplies into his locker so he and Dani weren't late for the Glee Club rehearsal Kurt pulled together with Mr. Schue's substitute. As he reached his hand into Dani's outstretched Ziploc bag full of Goldfish, he continued his questioning of the Warbler that's caught his possible step-brother's eye, "He and Kurt have been spending a lot of time together lately and I know you've spent some time with Blaine so I want your honest opinion, can I take him if he messes with Kurt?"

Dani snorted loudly at the last question, choking on her mouthful of pizza flavored crackers, finding his concern for Kurt sweet. Stealing his water bottle from his backpack, Dani chased her crackers with the water so she could speak, "Aww you love him. Admit it, you love him like a brother."

"Yeah yeah, Blaine!" he demanded, stealing back his water bottle to finish it off.

"Blaine is a great guy, Finn. He's a great singer, he's an amazing friend to Kurt, he buys me coffee, he is perfect. I want to adopt him."

Finn cocked his eyebrow at the blonde, concerned by the last phrase that came from his best friend's mouth, "I'm sorry could you repeat that Dans? Did you, a junior in high school, just tell me that you want to adopt Blaine Anderson?"

"Yes, yes I did. He's like the perfect child. I get to see him whenever I want, he always buys me coffee, he's adorable and he's talented! Mark my words Finn Hudson, I will have my show choir son!" Dani declared, shaking a fist in the air before tossing a Goldfish in the air and catching it in her mouth.

"Whatever you say dork." Finn shoves his companion into the choir room, catching her when he sees Noah Puckerman on his hands and knees rubbing a stick of butter in a larger circle on the floor, "Dude, what are you doing?"

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