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"Mr. Schue, I've got someone I'd like you to meet."

Sam Evans paced outside the choir room door, Dani Karofsky watching him walk back and forth as she leaned against the wall. She knew he was nervous but she couldn't help but be really excited that her friend finally joined Glee Club. "You know you don't have to if you don't want to, bud."

"I want to, I really do. It's just-"

"My brother and his merry band of Neanderthals with slushies?" Dani suggested, hearing her friends begin to clamor and complain about Noah Puckerman's current place of residence, Juvenile Hall.

Sam began to bob his head, clicking his teeth as he shot a finger gun at the Cheerio, "That would be the one. It's not that I'm scared he's going to call me gay or anything, I have nothing wrong with gay people. It's that I don't want to suck."

Dani heard Mr. Schue's footsteps approach the door, so she pushed herself off the wall and threw her arm around his shoulder, "You're not going to suck, I can guarantee that. And as far as my brother, I'll ask him to ease up on you. Now smile because you're about to make your debut."

"For welcoming our new member... Sam Evans!"

Finn jumped out of his seat, stealing the blonde sophomore from his best friend, "There he is. How's it going?"

Sam kept his eyes locked on Dani as she sat down in the seat beside Artie, introducing himself, "Hey, everybody. I'm Sam. ... Sam, I am. ... And I don't like green eggs and ham."

Santana grimaced at Sam's jokes, "Oh, wow. He has no game."

"Okay! This is gonna be great. You're not going to regret joining, Sam." Finn pushed Sam to the open seat beside Dani in the front row, "Sam, you sit right here."

"All right! Question for the group. What's a duet?"

"A blanket."

Dani imitated a buzzer sound, indicating that Brittany's guess was incorrect, "No! Try again."

"A duet is when two voices join to become one. Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers complement each other, push each other to be better. Now, some people may think..."

Kurt smiles down at the newest New Direction, quietly nudging Mercedes, "Pssst! He's on team gay. No straight boy dyes his hair to look like Linda Evangelista circa 1993."

"Kurt sees right through your hair," Dani laughed as Sam cocked an eyebrow at her upon hearing Kurt's whispers to Mercedes behind them.

Mercedes rolled her eyes at her friend, not seeing what Kurt was saying, "You're crazy, circa 2010."

"And that is what duets are all about. So, this week I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And, since you guys all seemed to love our little "Defying Gravity" diva-off, I'm making this a competition."

Mike, along with everyone else in the choir room, gasped in excitement, "What's the winner get?"

"Dinner for two, on me... at Breadstix."

"So you've convinced Sam to join your merry band of losers?" Nathan hummed as he followed the blonde out of the calculus classroom, weaving out of her brother's way.

Dani turned around, slapping her hand over the brunette's mouth as Dave snickered to himself and ran off to find Azimio and recount the intel he's collected, glaring at him, "Now you've done it. Dave is gonna give him a slushie facial now."

Nathan grimaced, biting his lip, "That's my bad. Anyways, what did you do to convince him to join?"

"I didn't have to do anything really. He wants to spend time with his friends and play music, so no need to call us a merry band of idiots, James Dean," Dani hissed, joining Kurt at his side and heading toward the lunch line.

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