Dreams Come True

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"20, count 'em, 20 of this nation's best high school show choirs have poured out their talent all over this stage. And now we're down to the best of the best. From Greenville, South Carolina, the Harmony Busters. From Lima, Ohio, the New Directions! And from Portland, Oregon, the Soprano-gasms. Only one of these amazing teams can claim the title of the best high school show choir in America. In third place,it's the Harmony Busters. And now, the first place winner of the 2015 high school show choir nationals championship is the New Directions!"


Rachel Berry stood backstage after the New Directions won the 2015 National Show Choir Championships, shocked by the piece of news that Dani Karofsky shared with them, "Are you serious right now?!"

Blaine Anderson gasped in surprise, "Wait, you're actually in a Broadway show?"

"Why are you guys so surprised? You act like I don't have an inkling of talent or capability."

Mr. Schue excitedly wrapped his arms around the blonde, spinning her around, "I'm so proud of you. Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"What's the show?" Kurt Hummel asked, not giving his friend the opportunity to answer Mr. Schue's question.

"The physical therapist at Yale is a part of the Yale Drama School. She and I stayed friends after I finished therapy and she even became my dance friend. Anyways, she was tracking casting calls in New York and there was this call for dancers for a new hip hop musical. She pushed me to audition with her and long story short I got the part and we open at Richard Rodgers in August."

Blaine smiled at the newest Broadway dancer, snaking his arms around her waist, "I'm so jealous but at the same time I'm happy for you."

"I guess waiting to start dancing again really paid off," Dani laughed, following her friends and the celebrating New Directions out of the auditorium and into the foyer of the building.


With the Nationals win, Superintendent Harris turned William McKinley High School into a school for the Performing Arts with Mr. William Schuester as it's acting principal. On the first day of his inaugural year of William McKinley School for the Performing Arts, there were over 50 kids gathered in the choir room for Glee Club that one time could hardly keep 12. Many of the alumni returned for Mr. Schue's debut adventure as administration in a school he's worked so hard to preserve. 

"Here he is!" Rachel cheered, leading the students of the William McKinley School for the Performing Arts in cheers and applause when their principal entered the choir room for the first time.

Mr. Schue was taken aback by the quantity of potential Glee Club members that filled the room, "Wow, um... I have to say this is the most exciting first day of Glee Club that we have ever had. No offense to the alumni who have been here since the very first-ever Glee Club meeting. All right, please, everyone, have a seat."

"So, Mr. Schue when are you gonna start auditions?" Rachel asks as she takes the seat beside Tina, smiling at Mr. Schue as he wraps his arms tightly around Danielle.

Kurt chuckles, looking around the room at the number of students who all are interested in joining the Glee Club, "Yeah, I think you're gonna have trouble sticking to your whole "whoever wants in, gets in" rule."

The Principal of the school sucks her teeth at Kurt's comment, "Not true, Mr. Hummel. The New Directions! will be only one of the glee clubs at this school. I'm bringing back the Troubletones and starting an all-boys version called the Duly Noted. And we're also gonna have a junior varsity squad for those who feel like they need a little seasoning before they're ready for the big time."

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