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Sam looked over Dani's shoulder to see Rachel Berry standing behind her. Sam looked cautiously between the pair, closing his locker slowly, "Why are you talking to me?"

Rachel looked between the two blondes, laughing at how nervous Sam was by the greeting, "Can't I say hello?"

"I guess. I just- Santana told me never to speak alone with you...because you would try to steal all of my gold."

Dani snorted loudly at Santana's instructions, lightly smacking Sam on the shoulder, "What gold, Sam?"

Rachel looked between them, ignoring the fact Sam indirectly called her a leprechaun, "Okay, um, anyway...I got you this. I know everyone's always making fun of your lips... but I think they're cute and worth weatherproofing. So, considering that we're both single and I think your lips are cute... I was wondering if you would go to prom with me."

"As in your date?" Sam repeated, looking at Dani's suppressed laugh.



Rachel stuttered, shocked to hear Sam rejecting her, "No." N... "No" as in-"

"As in no prom. I don't think I'm going."

Rachel cleared her throat, looking down the hall to see Finn watching their conversation, "Are you worried that Finn will be jealous?"

"Look, you're just not my type. Okay, Rachel? So thanks for the lip chap." Rachel stormed away from the blondes, finally allowing Dani to release her laughter. Joining in the giggling, Sam offered the multi-pack of ChapStick to her, "Want some ChapStick?"

Dani nodded, taking one of the chapsticks from the container, "Actually yes, I would like a ChapStick. Hey Sam, do you wanna go to Prom with me?"

Sam cocked an eyebrow at the blonde, pushing his hair out of his eyes, "I thought you said you didn't wanna go because you didn't want to see Quinn and Finn be crowned King and Queen."

"I don't want to go, I just wanted to see if you'd turn me down too," Dani snorted, walking down the hall toward Mr. Schue's Spanish class.

Sam threw his arm across her shoulders, "Turn you down? Never, I would love to go to Prom with my best friend if she changes her mind."

"I'll let you know."

Dani and Finn walked out of Mr. Schue's Spanish classroom, hearing Becky Jackson yell at passersby to take a copy of the school newspaper, The Muckraker, "So how's your Prom King and Queen campaign going? I heard that Lauren and Puck are actually doing pretty well."

Finn groaned, handing Dani a pen with his and Quinn's names on them that she's been handing out for their campaign, "Honestly, I don't even care about Prom King and Queen. I sorta don't want to even go."

"I don't think I'm going either."

Finn frowned at his friend, "Why?"

Rachel came running down the hallway, tightly clutching a copy of the Muckraker in her fist, "Hey. I think we should talk about nationals. We need to do a duet."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Finn mumbled, trying to walk around her but she stepped in front of them.

"Why are you so concerned with Quinn's feelings..when she obviously has no interest in yours?"

Finn and Dani share a confused look, curious about what Rachel could have been talking about, "What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you read The Muckraker? It's our school's newspaper. Look at the "Blind Items" column."

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