Purple Piano Project

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"Are you seriously not coming back to McKinley with us?" Dani asked David on her first day of her Senior year. 

The siblings sat in the Lima Bean with Finn Hudson. Finn found a way to forgive David for what he did to Kurt, knowing how much them getting along meant to Dani. David laughed, shaking his head no as some more McKinley High students flooded into the doors of the coffee shop for a last minute cup of coffee before their school day began, "I'm serious. I want a fresh start. And Senior year at this next school is just what I need."

"Well we'll miss you on the team, Dude," Finn frowned, checking his watch to see that they needed to be at school soon.

David saw the gesture, waving away the couple, "Get out of here, you two. Have a good first day of Senior year."

"Bye, Davey."

Jacob Ben Israel and his camera crew took to the halls of McKinley High School and interviewed the Seniors of the New Directions, despite the school's deep disdain for the show choir. "Shalom blogosphere! Jacob Ben-Israel here at McKinley High. Sudden death - big stakes senior year. Who will succeed and who will fail? Finn Hudson. Mediocre quarterback. Mediocre Glee Club lead. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Finn slowly closed his locker, nervously looking at the camera that was focusing it's lens on him, "Me? Uh. Yeah, I have plans. I'm really excited about this year."

Seeing that he was getting nowhere with the confused Quarterback, Jacob gestures for his cameraman to pan down and focus on the Cheerio next to him, "Okay, cool. Dani Karofsky, I hear you're the Head Bitch In Charge this year? Any chance that Quinn Fabray's plunge off the deep end has to do with you becoming Sue's Head Cheerio and the fact you're now dating Finn Hudson?"

"Yes I'm on Cheerios again, no I'm not Head Cheerio this year, and as far as Quinn Fabray's concerned, she's none of your business." Seeing that Jacob wasn't taking her words seriously, she dropped Finn's hand and pointed sternly at the camera, "And if you try and mess with her, I'll end your career before it even starts."

Jacob visibly gulped, bobbing his head furiously, "Understood, now what are your plans for after graduation?"

Dani lifted her shoulders slightly, taking Finn's hand and walking down the hall in the opposite direction of Jacob Ben Israel and his camera crew, "Undecided, I just want to get out of Lima."

"Hey! Taste the rainbow glee-iatch!" Rick The Stick taunted as he and four of his teammates threw slushies in Finn's face, leaving the Quarterback standing in the middle of the hallway shivering as the colored ice dripped down his face.

Dani wiped some of the iced drink out of Finn's eyes, taking him by both hands and leading him towards the closest restroom, "Let's get you cleaned up, babe."

"Woah, what happened to him?" 

Dani led her sticky boyfriend to the white porcelain sink, pointing to the paper towel dispenser beside the Latina girl she didn't recognize, "You must be new, hand me some of those paper towels so I can get this slushie out of his eyes."

The short girl viciously pulled the paper towels  out of the machine, handing them to the blonde,  "Is this something that happens often here or is it just something that happens to him?"

"More like just the Glee Club. Well good luck and welcome to McKinley," Finn mumbled, waving to the brunette as she hesitantly reenters the chaotic halls of McKinley High School.

Finn winced when his girlfriend helped him rinse the red dye number seven out of his eyes and hair. Dani ruffled her boyfriend's dark brown hair with a towel as he laughed, "How are you so good at cleaning these up? If I remember correctly, you're the only one of us who's never been slushied."

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