On My Way

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Rachel slowly walks into Glee with a big yellow envelope in hand, "Look at the picture Sebastian made to get me to drop out of Regionals."

"What do you mean drop out of Regionals?" Dani demanded as Rachel hands Nathan the envelope.

Kurt answered, watching Nathan's face for his reaction as he saw the pictures, "He said if she doesn't suddenly come down with some sickness that keeps her from performing on Saturday, then he's going to upload that photoshopped picture of Nathan."

Nathan removed the pictures from the envelope, seeing what Sebastian Smythe concocted to get Rachel Berry to not perform at Regionals. It was his face on a clearly Photoshopped body wearing nothing but red heels. Nathan slams the picture into Dani's hand, storming toward the door, "That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom, and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kid's ass!" 

Mr. Schue jumps in front of the student that easily towered over him, blocking his path to the door, "Nate, chill."

 Nate pulls his arm out of Mr. Schuester's grasp, yelling as he tried toward the door again only to be caught by Finn, "No, I'm not going to chill. I'm done chilling."

Sam pushes Artie out of Mr. Schue's, Artie's reading out of the show choir rule book, "The official show choir rule book states that "any real or perceived threat of violence, "vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift "and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice." It's right here. Page 72, by-law 15, section six, article 44."

"Guys, I contacted the headmaster of Dalton-"

But before Mr. Schue could tell his students to calm down and let the system handle the sins of their competitors, Blaine cut him off as he growled at the mention of his former school, "Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they're going to do now... nothing."

"Look, none of this matters now anyways, okay? We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at Regionals," Rachel assures, obviously upsetting her fiance. 

"Even if he's going to post a photo like this of me if you do?"

Rachel rolled her eyes, taking the seat beside Blaine, "Nate, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorists."

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself," Sugar mumbles, seeing the picture Nathan got so upset about.

Rory agrees, cringing at the picture the Head Warbler fabricated for Nate, "Twice to be sure I was dead."

"You're not gonna catch me disagreeing, I'd definitely off myself," Madi agreed with the other two sophomores, putting the Photoshopped pictures of Nate back into the envelope.

"Look, you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this," Mr. Schue advises his students, laying hand onto Nate's shoulder as he confused his students with that piece of advice. "The more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. They're going to love to tear you down."

Nathan ignored his teacher, shocked that despite the consequences he's going to reap because of these photos Rachel is going to perform rather than try and save him from any embarrassment, "I can't believe you would do that to me."

"I'm going to be married to you. Don't you think I'm going to suffer the consequences as well? I mean, I just... I don't care about stuff like that. I love you, and we'll... we'll manage this together. Okay, the important thing right now is that we win."

Quinn rolled her eyes, reminding everyone of their feat from a few months back, "We won Sectionals without you. You could not perform, save your fiance of those embarrassing photos and we could still win."

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