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"Danielle Marie Karofsky, you look spectacular this fine morning."

At the sound of her full name the Cheerios' co-head cheerleader turned to find one of her best friends bounding toward her, hand in hand with his girlfriend Rachel Berry. Her smile broadened as she embraced her quarterback, "Finn Christopher Hudson, you have gotten taller since yesterday."

Rachel stole the Cheerio, squeezing her tightly as she agrees with the assessment, "I'm so excited for this year. By the way I just saw your neanderthal of a twin toss a slushie at Kurt."

"Damn it, he promised me he would knock it off this year. Excuse me, I have sense to beat into my delightful brother."

David Karofsky was strolling down the hall, crossing direct paths with his very upset twin sister, Danielle Karofsky, "Hey sis-"

"Can it Dave, you said you'd stop messing with my friends and you've already attacked Kurt? What the Hell dude?"

Before either of the Karofsky siblings could continue their bickering regarding the one subject they've been fighting about for over a year now, Glee Club, the other three counterparts of McKinley's infamous Unholy Four grabbed Danielle by the hands and towards their lockers. Santana saluted their friend's older brother as Brittany and Quinn linked their arms through Dani's, "Seeya Karofsky, we're stealing our girl."

In true William McKinley High fashion, the one and only Jacob Ben Israel and his camera crew bombard Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, and Dani Karofsky for his blog. Jacob started his interviews with Quinn, "How has life changed since the birth of your bastard child?"

"Well, I'm happy to be back, and I'm ready to start fresh. And... I'm a lot less hormonal, so..." And as Jacob's cameraman pans down at Santana's chest, Quinn lifts the camera back up to frame her, "So there's not really any crying."

Jacob turned to Santana, his eyes and the camera trained on her breasts, "How was your summer?"

Santana rolled her eyes as she filed her nails, not giving Jacob Ben Israel a second glance after fixing the camera frame yet again, "My eyes are up here, JewFro. And it was uneventful."

"People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers."

Finishing with the Unholy Four's more shadowed members as she closed her locker, Jacob Ben Israel panned the shot past Brittany's random events of the summer and focused it onto Dani Karofsky, "Is it true, Dani, that you and Mike Chang broke up because he fell in love with Tina Cohen-Chang this summer at Asian Camp?"

"Even if that did happen, Jacob, it's none of your business and I respect Mike's privacy regarding our break up."

Disappointed that Dani would not play by the rules of his gossip monging, the Jewish sophomore attempted to scrounge for information he was denied, "But-"

Santana waved them away, "Get lost JewFro. We've got someplace to be."

As the Unholy Four made their way to the choir room, a tall brunette bumped into one of the blonde, accidentally knocking Dani onto the ground. The brunette kept walking past them, not looking over his shoulder nor issuing an apology, which pissed the Latina of the quartet off immensely. As Brittany and Quinn helped the Cheerio off the ground, Santana called after the retreating boy, "Hey Chewbacca, why don't you apologize for knocking my girl on her ass?"

"What ass?" he scoffed, looking Dani up and down then turning on his heel and going to his class.

"Don't listen to him, D. You have a really nice butt," Britt assured her as they continued walking toward the choir room.

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