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In Glee Club Mr. Schue and Tina Cohen-Chang returned from Principal Figgins' office but Tina was not wearing her typical gothic attire, rather she was wearing an oversized grey sweatshirt and pajama pants that she found in the Lost and Found. Artie rolled in front of his girlfriend, seeing the loss of spark in her demeanor, "It's so weird."

"This so isn't you," Finn agreed, sitting beside the slumped freshman.

"I feel like an Asian Branch Davidian."

Will examined his dull, lifeless freshman, trying to produce an alternative for her, "Tina, are there any other looks you can try?"

"Biker chick ?" Tina gives Santana a thumb down, waiting for the next suggestion.


"Hood rat."

"Computer programmer."

Dani looked up from her hands, providing the only sensible answer that everyone failed to provide, "Less black clothes."

"Cross-country skier."

"Catholic schoolgirl."

"Happy Meal, no onions. Or a chicken."

Quinn and Dani look at the other blonde in the Unholy Four, concerned by the suggestion that was so off topic it hurt their brains, "Are you kidding?"

"Look, I appreciate it, guys,but it just isn't me. I know who I am, and I'm not allowed to show it. It's like communism."

Rachel bound into the room with an announcement that she thought should be their number one priority, "Guys, we have a serious problem. You know how I've been doing some deep background on Vocal Adrenaline?"

"Isn't that against the rules?" Artie and Dani mused together, their teacher waited for her response because he himself didn't exactly know if there were any rules against that but more of an unspoken rule for common decency.

"No, not at all. Or probably. Whatever ! Anyway, what I figured out; I rooted through the Dumpsters behind the Carmel auditorium and I found 18 empty boxes of Christmas lights."

"Oh, no."

"Which led me to Joelle Fabrics. I asked them about red Chantilly lace. They were sold out," Rachel explained, horrifying Kurt and Mercedes..

To which Mercedes gasped in horror, "Oh, sweet Jesus."

Will looked between his horrified students, not following the language of the epiphany Rachel had about Vocal Adrenaline, "Wait, what?"

"They're doing Gaga," Kurt Hummel uttered in defeat. "We should have guessed it. They're going for full-out theatricality. They know it's the easiest way to beat us. Damn them."

"What's up with this Gaga dude? He just, like, dresses weird,right? Like Bowie?"

Rachel scoffs at Noah Puckerman's ignorance as Kurt aggressively answers the question, "Lady Gaga is a woman. She's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades. She's boundary-pushing, the most theatrical performer of our generation. And she changes her look faster than Brit changes sexual partners. "

Artie didn't seem all that surprised by the announcement, more impressed by their angle than his peers, "It makes sense that Vocal Adrenaline would pay homage. It's a brilliant move. She's a perfect fit for them."

"Hold on a second. We might be able to kill two birds with one stone here. We can help Tina find a new look and find a competitive number for regionals. This week, your assignment : Gaga."

The next morning, Quinn and Dani came to school in their Lady Gaga costumes. Dani wearing a royal blue dress that resembled the "Just Dance" cover and Quinn in a hot pink version of one of Lady Gaga's many red carpet outfits. Puck came over, ruining their light-hearted moods with arguments about potential names for their child, "You're wrong. It's a really good name. It's a rock star name."

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