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Sue Sylvester had a plan for the McKinley High New Directions, but she couldn't fulfill her plans without the assistance of her three Cheerios who've infiltrated the Club. She decided to first call Dani into her office, hoping that she could get the information she sought on the first attempt. As little Becky Jackson led the blonde into Coach Sue Sylvester's office, Dani lingered at the door waiting to be called upon, "Dani, just the girl I wanted to see. Come, sit, You can go, Becky."

"You wanted to see me Coach Sue?" Dani questioned, hesitantly sitting across her cheerleading coach in the folding chair. Dani was concerned for the next words to come from Sue Sylvester's mouth, fearing that she was going to ask for some information to help her destroy the Glee Club again.

"I would like to ask you for the Glee Club's setlist for Sectionals, Saturday?" Sue politely asked, kicking her feet up onto her desk, crossing them at the ankle.

Dani had one of two options: she could tell Coach Sue exactly what she wanted to hear and help her in the destruction of the Glee Club or she could stick to her morals and try to keep her family together. Never in a million years would she have thought to choose a group of twelve misfits over a woman who has wanted nothing more than to see her succeed, but alas five months ago she decided to audition for a Glee Club that would become her family.

"No, I won't. I respect you as a teacher but I won't help you destroy the Glee Club anymore. You'll have to find someone else to help you."

As Danielle Karofsky confidently left her chair to leave the office, Sue Sylvester leapt from her seat and demanded for the blonde to stop, "Danielle Karofsky, no one tells me no which is why I'm very proud to tell you that you and Becky Jackson will be my co-head cheerleaders for the rest of the year. You have the balls that no one else has, to stand up to me. Now, get out of my office before I change my mind and destroy your self-esteem with my vicious words."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Coach," the newly appointed co-head Cheerio chuckled lightly, yet again astonished by the random appreciation Sue Sylvester had for Danielle's ability to stand against her.

Sectionals was Saturday afternoon and the temporarily banned director of the New Direction was still on the search for a temporary director to be with the kids at the competition. After asking the only person he could think of to fill in for him, Mr. Schue ushers Miss Pillsbury into the choir room, seeing his students sitting throughout the room, "Hey, guys? Let's, uh... Let's gather 'round. Well... I have found my replacement. So, give it up for Ms. Pillsbury."

Brittany emphatically poked Dani's shoulder, getting her to stop her conversation with Mike Chang, and when she got the attention she desired, she pointed at the red headed guidance counselor, "She's the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker."

"So, do you even know anything about music?" Santana questioned incredulously from beside Puck, earning similar prompting looks from the other students.

Will and Emma share a look before Will spoke for Emma, "Well... What's important is that she cares about you guys every bit as much as I do. Now... I-I don't know what the future holds for me, and for us, but I know, Saturday, you're going to make me proud. You guys are going to be great. So... Good-bye for now."

Realizing that Mr. Schuester was turning to leave the classroom, Mercedes called after their teacher, "Wait. What about our set list?"

"I... I can't help you with that. You've got to figure that out for yourselves. All right, guys."

The thirteen teenagers and their clueless interim director took a beat after Will Schuester left the room, Artie being the first to provide input regarding their setlist for the upcoming competition, "Well, we have to do "Proud Mary" in wheelchairs. That's in."

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