What The World Needs Now

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Late Tuesday afternoon Sam scurried away from Rachel Berry, realizing how stupid he was when he felt his phone buzz to get his attention. Relieved to see the name of someone who always could talk some sense into him, Sam sighed as he put his cell phone to his ear, "I think did something very, very stupid."

Dani snorted, turning down the radio in her car as she drove out west on the highway, "Oh, I know. After the Invitationals Rachel called Quinn and told her about Sue hypnotizing you and making you try and seduce Rachel, even kissing her."

Realizing that everything he feared happened during the week prior actually happened, the assistant football coach smacked his hand against his forehead, "Oh, so that actually happened. I thought it was one of those stupid fake memories my brain makes. Is Quinn mad at me?"

"No, but she's seriously considering coming into town to beat the shit out of Sue," the blonde revealed, making a mental note to yell at her former cheerleading coach when she's in town.

"Did Kurt and Blaine tell you what she did to them?"

Dani softly growled, telling her friend that she heard a fragment of the story, "Kurt called me. He vaguely told me something about a creepy doll keeping them in a hot elevator until they kissed. Wanting me to hear from him and to assure me that it meant nothing and he and Blaine were still friends. Oh and that according to Sue, Blaine is my third cousin through my great-great grandfather."

Sam sucked in air, wincing in secondhand embarrassment for how Blaine and Dave learned they were apparently related, "Well, that's gotta make things awkward. Hey, I've got to go and write out the plays for practice tonight since Coach Beiste left me in charge until sh- I mean he comes back."

"Have fun, Coach Evans."

"Ew, that sounds dirty."

Dani grimaced as she replayed the last thing she'd said in her head, "It did, didn't it?"

The next morning Dani walked into the halls of her alma mater for the first time in over a month, surprising one Sam Evans as he ran down the hall in a hurry, "You're here. Please tell me you brought Quinn back with you because I really could use one of her famous slaps across the face because I accidentally just told Rachel I loved her."

Dani decided to give him what he requested, a slap across the face, surprising him with the harsh contact her small hand made against his cool cheek, "She's dating my best friend, you idiot so back the Hell off and if you don't I will shove my foot so far up your ass that you will taste my Doc Martens."

Sam lightly rubbed his cheek, in shock by the assault, "First of all, ouch! Second, thank you I needed that. And C, you really need to stop hanging out with Santana because she's making you mean and aggressive. Now, I've got to go because I have to go teach a Health class. Love you."

Dani skipped into the choir room, twirling happily when Artie excitedly greeted her. She introduced herself to the newest member of the New Directions, Spencer Porter, taking the seat beside Artie. Nathan smiled at the blonde, "Look at what the cat dragged in."

"Bite me, James Dean," Dani hissed, forcing a sickeningly sweet fake smile at the brunette as he moved seats to the one on her right.

"Since you asked so nicely."

Spencer watched the subtly aggressive banter between the two alumni, leaning over to Kitty who wasn't even phased by their conversation, "Are they always like this?"

Kitty chuckled, rubbing her hands together as she started to explain to the newbie the hate Dani has for Nathan, "The blonde, Dani, used to be really close with the one she called James Dean but then-"

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