Dance With Somebody

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On February 11, 2012, a beloved star passed away in her Beverly Hills Hotel Room. Whitney Houston, the most awarded female artist of all time and 6 time Grammy Award winner, left the world and left a hole in many young people's hearts.

Including many of the McKinley High Glee Club: namely Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel. No one could explain or fathom why they were still so affected by her passing two months after but no one questioned it because they understood to a degree about losing a beloved idol.

Mr. Schue, always trying to find a way to fix and or psychoanalyze his students, came to the conclusion that he must find a way for his New Directions to say goodbye, through Whitney. Dani laid across the chairs, laying her head in Finn's lap and propping her feet up on the empty chair between her and Puck as she listened to Mercedes and Rachel bicker about who The Bodyguard was written for.

"It was written for Diana Ross." 

Rachel sucks her teeth, shaking her head as she reached across Artie to correct Mercedes, "No, Mercedes, you are wrong, okay? The Bodyguard was originally written for Barbra Streisand."

Mr. Schue entered the room, hearing their argument and decided to settle it, "Actually, Rachel, it was supposed to be Diana Ross-- and Steve McQueen, back in the '70s."

"Thank you, Mr. Schue," Mercedes smirks triumphantly, relishing in the pouting face Rachel had when Mr. Schue disproved her .

"I've been doing some research to prepare for this week's lesson," Mr. Schue informs them as he selects a whiteboard marker and writes 'WHITNEY' across the board in capital letters. 

Santana, Kurt, Rachel and Mercedes were obviously more excited about the lesson for the week then the rest of the New Directions. Rachel jumps up and down in her seat, clapping her hands childishly, "Oh, my God, yes. It's about time we did a Whitney tribute!"

"And yet I've been asking for a Queen tribute for three years. What will it take? One of them dying? Oh wait, Freddie already did," Dani reminds him, sitting up and crossing her arms tightly across her chest as her teacher innocently shrugs and apologizes.

"Are we sure that's appropriate?" Sam asks, shocking the four students who fully supported the assignment.

Kurt, Rachel and Santana gasp at his inquiry, scowling at his question. All while Mercedes whips her head back to see the blonde, hissing, "You did not just ask that."

Sam shifts uncomfortably in his chair, his eyes darting over to Dani who mouthed out 'good luck', "I just mean, didn't Whitney kind of have a lot of problems?" 

"She had a hard life, Sam. And?"

Mr. Schue stopped the lovers quarrel, saving Sam from a debate on Mercedes' idol and refocusing his students on the purpose of his lesson, "Look, this week isn't about passing judgment on Whitney. It's about celebrating her legacy, honoring her memory, her accomplishments."

"Which I will happily list for you," Kurt offers but is shot down by the teacher, continuing his speech.

"But I also want you guys to use her songs to get underneath your own feelings. To express and explore what's really going on with you."

Finn frowned at the History teacher, throwing his arm across the back of his girlfriend's chair, "I don't get it, Mr. Schue. What's really going on with us?"

"Well, for most of you, these next few weeks will be your last here at McKinley. Lots of changes coming up, lots of saying goodbye. To your friends, to your significant others, to the last four years of your life. For a young person, all that transition can be overwhelming. So it's easier to focus on other things. Like not being able to say goodbye to Whitney Houston." 

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