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Dani followed Sam through the halls, breaking the silence that hung between them since she pulled him away from Rachel to help him construct some emergency plan, "Are we gonna talk about this obvious crush you have on Rachel?"

"Are we gonna talk about the fact that Puck has been in love with you and there for you for over a year and you've yet to express your interest?" Sam countered, finding the sudden blood rush to the blonde's cheeks amusing as they made their way to the classroom Mercedes told them the alums were hanging out in. 

Dani sneered at her friend, setting her jaw, "You suck."

"No, I'm not into that kind of thing."

The Yale student couldn't stifle her amused laughter, finding his joke quite witty compared to his typical banter. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest as Kurt joined them at their side to join the emergency Rachel meeting, "I hate you, like depths of my soul hatred."

"No, you only reserve that for Nate and no one blames you for it. Hell, I hate him too," Kurt admitted, not surprising his companions with his disdain for the man responsible for the passing of his older brother.

Dani softly sighed, reaching out to take Kurt's hand in her own, "That's not the point, I'm working on it. Remind me again why we have to do this?"

"Selling her childhood home, babe."

Mercedes and Nathan were playing mercy when the trio entered Mr. Schue's old History classroom to find them, Artie and Kitty waiting for their arrival, "Get off."

Sam clapped excitedly, sitting on top of the table across from the others, "Hey, guys, hey. Thanks for coming."

Kitty looked up from filing her nails, knowing from recent events that Rachel Berry most likely had another mental breakdown or way to freak out, "Oh, for the love of all that's sacred, what now?"

"Uh, well, I called you here today because of Rachel."

Mercedes groaned in defeat, tired that Rachel is in a constant need of fixing and guidance, "Seriously? I just finished mentoring that girl for, like, a week-- what could she possibly need now?"

Sam looked to Kurt, knowing that he would have a more eloquent way of explaining, "Do you want to...?"

"Her dads just sold their house. She has less than a week to get out. That house means everything to her. It's where she grew up. It's where she saw her dreams become a reality and..."

"Guys, this is a major moment for her. Okay? She's becoming a new person. Making one of the biggest transitions of all. One that we are all gonna have to make soon," Sam added, wording it in a way that left Kitty a window for a snarky remark.

"Okay, just so we're clear, we're still talking about Rachel, right? Or are you announcing your new gender?"

Both Dani and Nathan tilted their heads to the side, examining Sam's appearance as they snickered, "You would make a very pretty girl."

"Oh, my god! No! This is all about Rachel! Look, guys, she's growing up. We all are."

"So, what's the plan, Sam?"

At Glee Club rehearsal that afternoon Rachel bounded into the full choir room, clapping as she introduced the new lesson for the week upcoming, "Okay, you guys, let's get started on this week's lesson. It is called Buckeye Bull's-eye, Featuring all artists from Ohio! Marilyn Manson and Dean Martin..."

"Actually, Rachel, there has been a slight change in plans."

Rachel's eyes widened in confusion, turning to face her best friend and hiss, "Kurt, you can't just change the lesson like that."

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