The First Time

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Dani and Finn were at their lockers watching Rachel Berry and Nathan Robinson plaster the walls with her bright pink campaign posters that have a very large photograph of her face in the center. Dani shook her head at the pair, rolling her eyes at them as she shut her locker, "And there she goes, making Nathan help her plaster the halls with her bogus campaign poster. You're not voting for Rachel are you? I know you're friends."

Finn shrugged as she closed his locker, glancing over his shoulder to see Nathan taping the poster next to one of Kurt's unicorn posters, "Well, I haven't decided. Kurt's my brother and you're running his campaign, it's kinda hard to vote against your brother and your girlfriend."

"You can't do this with the other candidates," Dani smirked, reaching up to kiss him.

Finn smiled as she pulled away, slipping his hand into her's, "Not unless I was dumb. What's gotten into you?"

Dani squeezed his hand, walking with him toward their next class, "Nothing, it's' just the confidence of success. I mean, we sold out the April Rhodes Auditorium for three shows, my brother is coming to the shows and he's bringing our parents to opening night, Jacob Ben Israel's polls has Kurt tied in first place for the presidential race, and I have the hottest guy in school. I hope that my confidence isn't too much for you."

"It won't be after Friday night."

"What's Friday night?" The blonde questioned, unsure of what was special about Friday night other than it being opening night.

Finn let go of her hand, jumping in front of her excitedly as he shared the news Coach Beiste shared with him earlier, "That is the day that the recruiter from Ohio State is coming, and they're looking for a new quarterback."

"Really? That's amazing!" she congratulated, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I know. You're not pissed?"

Dani removed her arms from his neck, scoffing at the question as she pushes him in Mr. Schue's class, "No! No, of course not. We talked about it, I've applied to big colleges and you don't wanna go there. It's really happening. You know, our dreams are coming true, we're growing up."

Finn got a little confident, whispering in her ear as they sat at their table behind Puck and Santana, "I know. And hey, I was thinking, um, Burt and my mom are out canvassing all week, and I have the house to myself. Maybe you could come over."

"To your house? Alone?" Dani repeated nervously, realizing what he was insinuating. Suddenly, without thinking, Dani smiled as the bell rang overhead to start class, "I'll be there at six."

"A Grande nonfat mocha latte for Dani," the barista calls, looking around the Lima Bean.

Dani slipped past a group of Dalton Academy Warblers, taking the coffee cup from the barista's hand. As she brought the cup to her lips, a tall attractive Warbler stopped her, "Dani, huh? As in Danny Zuko?"

The blonde chuckled at the comment, not sure if he was trying to hit on her, "As much as I love Grease, I wouldn't compare myself to Danny Zuko. So, no."

"So, you're more like Sandy Olsen. Maybe you need someone to give you that push, like Sandy? I could be that guy if you wanted," the Warbler slyly asked, taking a step closer to her.

Dani, now realizing that he was in fact flirting with her, took a step back, nervously chuckled as she took a sip of her latte, "Well, I don't think my boyfriend would approve of you giving me a Frenchie style personality change. But thank you for the offer..."

"Damn, guess I'm really out of luck. Sebastian Smythe," he introduced, offering her his hand.

Dani took it, shaking it, "Dani Karofsky. Well, Sebastian Smythe, it was nice meeting you but I have a date."

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