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"You'll never guess what Dragon Lady wants me to do for Nationals?"

Dani Karofsky's jaw dropped as she heard the name Kurt called her former cheerleading coach, slowly closing her locker door to see a very angry Kurt Hummel looking back at her, " busted out the nickname so this must be serious. What is Sue trying to do?"

"Make me dress like a woman like Unique from Vocal Adrenaline because I'm gay."

Dani sneered at Sue's latest scheme in trying to help the New Directions by suggesting something wildly unhelpful, following Kurt through the halls to the choir room for Glee rehearsal, "That's like wrong on so many levels. Just because you're gay and you are secure enough to embrace both femininity and masculinity doesn't mean you wanna put on a dress and call yourself Star."

"Thank you, someone understands!"

Mr. Schue saw Kurt and Dani pass his office to come into Glee, so he stuck his head out the door and motioned for the blonde to come, "Hey Dani, can I talk to you really quickly before rehearsal about choreography for Nationals?"

Dani left Kurt's side, following her teacher into his office, "Yes, of course."

After a short conversation with Mr. Schue, Dani entered the choir room practically floating. Finn watched her make her way to the seat in between him and Sam with a smile on her face that spread from ear to ear, "What's got you so chipper?"

"And still manage to look terrified at the same time," Sam added, noticing her nervous tick of bouncing her good knee.

Dani smiled happily at Sam, shaking from her two contrasting emotions that were overwhelming her senses, "You'll see." 

Mr. Schue and Coach Sue enter the choir room from his office and as per usual, Mr. Schuester walks straight to the whiteboard and writes in big letters: NATIONALS!, earning an uproar of cheers from the New Directions, "Nationals. Okay, song selection: We'll be kicking off our Vintage theme with the legendary Jim Steinman's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light".

Sam chuckled, realizing why Dani was excited as he lightly smacked Finn's shoulder, "It's her favorite song, that's why she's excited."

Mr. Schue chuckled, continuing to announce their Nationals setlist, "And Rachel will do the solo, "It's All Com"-"

""Coming Back to Me Now." One of Celine Dion's most powerful ballads, inspired by Wuthering Heights," Rachel excitedly finishes for Mr. Schue, ecstatic that she gets a solo at Nationals.  

"And we'll be working in a new Treble Tones number, utilizing the talents of our featured performer, Porcelina Hummel," Sue finished, looking to Kurt. 

Kurt's smile quickly faded and was replaced with a sneer as he shot her a death glare, "Not gonna happen, Dragon Lady."

"Finally someone said it," Nathan chuckled, shocked to hear Kurt call Sue Sylvester by something other than her name and or Coach.

"Oh, you'll do as you're told, he/she. We will be performing "What A Feeling," from Flashdance, and I'm familiar with the choreography, of course, because I was Jennifer Beals' dance double. And on that note, please look under your seats," Sue instructs the 19 New Directions to look under their chairs.

Under each of their chairs was a cardboard box that contained a welding helmet and a pair of brightly colored leg warmers. Brittany pulls her helmet out of her box, happily putting it on, "Space helmets."

"Welding helmets and leg warmers?" Finn asks curiously, watching his girlfriend lightly smack Madi on the top of her head with her leg warmers.

"Best way to get props is to use props." 

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