I Kissed A Girl

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Since slapping Finn yesterday, Santana hasn't talked to anyone. Mr. Schue and Ms. Corcoran brought her and Finn to Principal Figgins to determine her punishment, which to her surprise was thrown out when Finn lied and said that it was a stage slap. And no one had seen Dani, who was hiding from everyone. Santana found her friend at her locker, immediately wrapping her arms around her neck, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too."

Santana released her friend, feeling horrible about everything that's been going on over the past week, "It's not your fault your boy thing inspired a politician to out me to the entire state of Ohio. I guess I'll see you in Glee Club later because Finn gave me an ultimatum: go to Glee or take a two week suspension."

"I'm gonna pull a Kennedy," Kurt announces to Rachel and his locker, concerning the Cheerio as she joins them.

Dani grabs Kurt by the crook of his arm, asking in a hushed voice, "You're gonna shoot Brittany? What did I just walk into?"

Kurt shook his head, trading his textbooks, "No, no... when Kennedy ran against Nixon in 1960, he had all his Mob buddies in Chicago stuff the ballot boxes so that he would win Illinois. It won him the presidency."

"Wait... No!"

"No, we can't let you do this, okay?" Rachel agreed, looking around the hall to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. "Come on. Can't we just do, like a great trio in the cafeteria or the library to just drum up some support?"

"I have Kennedy's impeccable hairline."

The blonde sighed, rubbing his arm comfortingly, "I know."

"Why can't I have his ends-justify-the-means mentality? If I lose, and my resume remains blank, I'm not gonna get into NYADA. And I can't accept that."

Rachel and Dani had a silent conversation in one look that lasted thirty seconds, both shocked that their friend was even considering cheating. Rachel tore her brown eyes from the blonde's blue one, placing her gaze onto the student body President candidate, "You're seriously considering cheating?"

"What choice do I have?" The brunette asked as he shut his locker and led the other two girls to Glee Club.

Quinn looked up from her phone, seeing Dani take the seat beside her in the choir room. Laying her hand on Dani's knee, Quinn whispered, "So she accidentally outed you."

Dani looked across the room to the side where the Trouble Tones were sitting, meeting Santana's eye, "Yeah... I guess she did."

Kurt and Blaine turn in their seats, looking at the best friends. Kurt gently placed his hand on top of Quinn's, seeing the look of concern and confusion in the Cheerio's eyes, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I just have to explain everything to Finn when I finally work up the nerve to talk to him," Dani laughed, putting her hands on top of Quinn and Kurt's.

Blaine decided to break the overall awkward silence that hung in the space between the two show choirs, clearing his throat as he got out of his chair as they awaited Finn's arrival to start his lesson for the week, "So.... how's everyone doing today? Anyone want to help me break this awkward silence that's been hanging over us since yesterday?"

Nathan looked around the room, seeing that no one else was going to say anything, "I'm doing okay. How about you, Trouble Tone girl I don't know but I know is Dani's friend so I feel comfortable enough addressing you?"

Everyone's eyes landed on the only member of both teams that had never been a part of the New Directions or auditioned to be in the New Directions, Madi Hernandez-Garcia. When she realized that the senior was talking about her, Madi laughed uncomfortably while answering his question, "Oh, right. I'm Madi for those of you who don't know me. But I guess I'm okay because I wasn't the one outed to the entire school. Oh, sorry."

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