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With less than a week before the Class of 2012's impending graduation, many of the seniors chose to ignore the goodbyes they had to give to the ones they're leaving behind.

But Danielle Karofsky decided to embrace her goodbyes and start with one of her first friends within the Glee Club, "Artie can I talk to you?"

Artie nodded, following her across the choir room out of their friend's earshot, "Yeah, what's up?"

Dani smiled softly at the junior as she took his hand, "So I have a lot of goodbyes I have to say and I wanted to start with you. You and I have been friends since the beginning and I figured it was only right to say goodbye to you before Mr. Schue gives us the assignment."

"I'm really glad we went to that movie three years ago," Artie laughed, remembering the week Mr. Schue made the Glee Club use wheelchairs to get a sense of his everyday life.

"I am too because if not our brother and sister relationship would have never come into fruition. And it was a really good movie."

Artie loudly snorted in agreement, remembering the first movie they'd ever seen together, "2012 was one of the best movies that year and no one could change my mind. Glee Club really isn't going to be the same without you next year, I'm gonna really miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, little bro. But I promise I'll come back and visit as much as possible," she promised, pulling him into an embrace.

Mercedes called across the room, getting the pair's attention over the giggling and encouragement coming from their classmates, "Hey Artie, Dani, these guys wanna see the infamous "Sit Down" performance."

Artie and Dani shared a look, both laughing, "Oh God."

Dani nodded, following Artie to join Tina, Mercedes, Rachel and Kurt in front of their friends, "Okay but Rachel, no pushing Artie into the piano this time."

"That was the most ghetto number I have ever seen," Santana snickers at the original six's first number.

"Then just call me George Jefferson, because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. National champs, baby!" Artie whoops.

Dani nodded, giving Artie a high-five as Mr. Schue came into the choir room and she takes a seat on the stool between Mercedes and Quinn, "Yes sir!"

Mr. Schue walks into the room, sadly smiling at his students as they enjoy a moment together and slowly writes: GOODBYE on the board. "This week's assignment is easy. Graduation is just a few days away. There's nothing left to prepare for. Our work here is done, so there's only one thing left to do: Say goodbye. Underclassmen, pick some songs to say goodbye to the seniors; seniors, pick a song to say goodbye to us."

Mercedes lays a hand on Artie's shoulder, looking around the room at the group of people who have influenced and changed her life over the past three years, "A part of me wants to lock these doors and stay in here with everyone forever."

"We can use the wastebasket for the toilet, and then we could eat Joe for the food, since she's been here the shortest, so we know her the least," Brittany innocently suggested, making her friends chuckle.

Quinn slipped her hand into her best friend's, leaning back against Santana's legs, "I really hope you're about to rap."

"No such luck. I'm leading by example here. This one... is for you guys."

Dani and Quinn left the choir room after Mr. Schue's song to the seniors, Rod Stewart's "Forever Young", hand in hand, talking about their high school experience. Their high school experience consisted of their friendship in all of it's ups and downs and neither of them would have traded any of it because it brought them to where they were. 

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