Special Education

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The New Directions sat in the choir room, not much conversation nor laughter like there usually would be because everyone was mourning the loss of their friend, Kurt Hummel, to one of their competitors. Despite the low level of energy in the room, Mike and Dani reserved a small area in the corner and basically played Simon Says but with dance moves. When Mr. Schue came into the room, Rachel loudly talked over everyone to get their teacher's attention before anyone else could, "Mr. Schuester, I have an announcement. I've selected the perfect moving ballad for Finn and I to sing to launch our performance at Sectionals."

"Me first. Two things. First, our competition at Sectionals are your classic stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. Now if we're gonna beat them, we need to do what they can't. Dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Dani and Mike Chang's sweet moves in our performance."

Dani and Mike jumped up excitedly, hugging each other as their friends applauded them finally getting their dancing spotlighted. Rachel, however, was not as happy for them. Of course she was happy her friend was finally getting the recognition she deserved but she was not happy with the possibility of being upstaged during a solo, "Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?"

"You're not getting a solo for this competition Rachel."

Upon hearing the words that surprised every person in the choir room, Mercedes squealed hopefully, thinking that maybe this time Mr. Schue would let her do more than wail on the high notes because she's the best belter, "Finally! So what song do I get to sing?"

Disappointing yet another student, Mr. Schue shook his head to tell her that she wouldn't be getting a solo either, "I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition would take the leads."

"Ken and Barbie?! Wait a-a-are are you trying to throw this?" Rachel shrieked, whipping her head around to face the winners of the duets competition from a few weeks back, Quinn Fabray and Sam Evans.

Quinn narrowed her hazel eyes at the brunette, leaning forward on her elbows, "You used to be just sort of unlikable, but now, I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth."

Dani thought aloud, having no interest to keep her comments to herself because she figured it could make someone laugh, "Does that make me one of Barbie' best friends? What's her name, Summer? Or is it Teresa?"

After laughing at Dani's random comment regarding Barbie dolls, Mr. Schue attempted to calm down his students and their varying reactions to the Sectionals set-list, "Okay, listen, I have talked the talk about everyone in here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly I haven't walked the walk. I mean, we have got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it."

Rachel whispers something to Finn, seeing that she was getting nowhere with their teacher. Finn cleared his throat, knowing that no matter what he says next he's going to be upsetting someone he cares about but he put his allegiance with his girlfriend, "Look, I'm all for... pumping up the team, making everyone feel special, but that's for practice. You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game."

"Easy to say when you're the star quarterback," Tina spits venomously at Finn, saying what everyone was thinking.

"This isn't just about me, this is about the team."

Santana rolled her eyes, fixing her ponytail, "You are such a hypocrite."

"Oh, like you even know what that means."

"It means that your boyfriend is full of crap, hobbit!"

Rachel turned in her chair, facing the Latina who has been nothing but a bitch to her for the past few weeks, "You know what? Ever since the wedding you've been up my butt and I am sick of it!"

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