New York

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The New Directions sat in Times Square, eating their lunch in the busy city. Kurt looked around them, marvelling at the bright lights and flashing signs, "A year and a half ago... the New Directions were nothing but a group of six misfits stumbling their way... through a horrific rendition of "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" ."

Dani and Tina share the same look of horror, remembering how horrible the original six members were with their first performance ever. Dani buried her face in Nathan's shoulder, "Oh, that was so bad."

"Now here we are at the top of the show choir heap. Nationals!" Kurt squealed, his teammates yipping and cheering in excitement at the reminder of why they were currently sitting in New York City.

Tina leaned back onto Mike, looking up at the sky, "I want to hit up Central Park, get my frolic on."

"I want to throw stuff off the Brooklyn Bridge," Nathan and Puck announce together, giving each other a high-five.

"Guys, hold on. I mean, we still have two songs to write."

Kurt Hummel rolled his eyes at his step-brother, "Okay, Mr. Bossy Pants. But I think we have some time for a tune before we leave."

♪Start spreading the news♪
♪I'm leaving today♪
♪I want to be a part of it♪
♪New York, New York♪

Rachel ran up to her friends, waving her hand full of scalped Broadway tickets, "Guys, I have news. To celebrate our impending win at Nationals... I got us all 15 tickets... to Broadway's longest-running show ever...Cats."

Dani cocked an eyebrow at the self proclaimed Broadway Baby, laughing at her excitement, "Yeah, you did? You might want to check the dates on those tickets, Rachel..."

"Because Cats closed about 11 years ago," Quinn finished for her, rolling her eyes at the ignorance of the brunette.

Rachel started to examine her tickets, realizing that the two blondes were correct about the dates over a decade old, "He did seem crazy. He charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack."

Mr. Schue tried his best to check in the New Directions, having a hard time heading a headcount as they walked around the hotel lobby. Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn passed him, laughing amongst themselves, "Oh. Did you know that New York City was built... right on top of Old York City?"

Tina purses her lips at Mercedes, snickering with Quinn as they walk toward the elevator bank, "I'm pretty sure that's not true."

"Well, I'm just pretty."

Finn bumped his friend's shoulder, breaking her concentration from her copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, "Hi."

"Hi. I'm surprised at how well Quinn is taking the breakup." Since Jean Sylvester's funeral, Dani and Quinn have been making up for lost time. Promising to each other that a boy would never come between them again and that they just wanted to be friends again. But Dani couldn't help but notice the slight indifference Quinn had towards her, figuring it must have been because of her friendship with Finn.

Finn shrugged, slipping his hands into the front pockets of his blue jeans, "Maybe she accepted the inevitable?"

Dani didn't acknowledge Finn's comment, still thinking out loud about Quinn's behavior, "She told me she had something planned, but maybe I was wrong. Or maybe she's just distracted by how amazing New York is like I am. Hey, do you know why it smells like it's wet here all the time because it's confusing me?"

"No. So what's going on with you and Nathan?" Finn quipped, snapping Dani out of her thought process.

"Nothing, how did you know about that? Well it doesn't matter because what matters is winning that damn Nationals trophy."

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