The New Directions

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Quinn and Dani walked to the auditorium for Kurt and Mercedes' performance aimed to fix the bad blood between Santana and Rachel. Quinn raised her eyebrows at the conversation Dani recounted to her, "Wait a minute, so Puck told you he loved you?"

"I-I think so... if I'm being completely honest I was freaking out the moment he said soulmate. But that is not the most pressing matter in our lives right now, Ms. Fabray. So are you gonna tell me why Rachel kicked Biff's ass and I saw you guys clinging to each other in the middle of the hallway."

Quinn bit her lip, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks, "We may or may not have had a similar conversation involving soulmates and saying I love you."

"You two finally...?" Dani asked, trailing off when Quinn nodded to confirm her suspicions. The two blondes jumped up and down excitedly, squealing like middle schoolers after learning that their crush liked them back. 

Rachel walked up behind them, seeing Dani and Quinn jump up and down in a very girly manner, "Why are you squealing?"

Dani stopped jumping, turning to see the brunette smiling at them. Dani launched herself at the brunette, swinging her around as she squealed, "Finally! I've been waiting for this to happen for years!"

Rachel chuckled, turning to Quinn as Dani released her, "You told her?"

"I told her some of it."

Mike came up from behind the girls, throwing his arms across the two blonde's shoulders, "Come on ladies, Kurt and Mercedes has summoned our presence in the auditorium."

Mercedes and Kurt stood on the stage of the April Rhodes Civic Pavilion, smiling down at their friends as the time for Glee Club's dismissal neared, "You know, being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, and... I mean, look at Rachel and Quinn. I mean, I have no idea what's going on there, nor do I know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can start collecting those side bets we've been placing."

Madi looked across the audience, trying to find her adoptive mother in the crowd of New Directions, "I think Dani won the pot though."

Realizing that the junior was right, Dani lifted her head from against Puck's arm, "Good because I need the cash."

Kurt laughed over Dani's comment, continuing their point, "But, alas, with the old good feelings come the old bad ones, too. Why, just today, Mercedes and I were in the lunch line when a battle from way back in the day came out, a-and we found ourselves at each other's throats again."

"Ah the great potater tots strike of 2010, good times," Nate chuckled fondly, remembering the strike that Mercedes led in the cafeteria over Sue Sylvester banning tater tots based on their nutritional value.

Sam rolled his eyes, remembering that week very differently than Nathan, "You threw tots at people, which earned you about a dozen slushie facials from the football team."

Laughter erupted from the New Directions, either remembering the image of Nathan Robinson covered in 7 Eleven slush or imagining it for their own amusement. Dani smirked evilly at the redness that covered his cheeks, "Best day of my junior year was watching him get what he deserved."

Mercedes laughed at the memory of the brunette getting slushied by every member of the McKinley High football team including the members in Glee Club, "Yes, I know. It's really hard to see friends fighting, but I'm just glad that none of you guys were there to see it."

"I was right behind you in line," Artie informs them. 

Kurt ignored Artie, taking Mercedes by the hand, "Because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it. But, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer.  And we've decided to heal our hearts with a song."

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