Blame It On The Alcohol

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"What happened to you, Dani? I've only ever seen you this angry once?" Puck asked, seeing the Cheerio's jaw set as she glared down the hallway.

Dani snapped herself out of her trance, turning to smile up at the juvenile delinquent, "I'm fine."

"She is most definitely not fine," Sam countered, handing his constantly hungry friend a bag of Cheez-Its. "She's pissed at Quinn, they had a fight, and she's upset about a guy."

Dani punched the sophomore hard on the shoulder after he divulged her personal life with Noah Puckerman. She and Puck may be friends, but this was not a subject that she wanted to share with him or anyone that could possibly share the information with the wrong person. Puck smirked throwing his arm over the Cheerio's shoulders, leading her to the choir room, "I know just the thing to help you get over a guy."

"I'm not sleeping with you Puck."

Slightly frowning at the immediate rejection he'd received from the former Cheerio he'd briefly dated the year before, Puck shook his head no to tell her that was not what he was going to suggest, "That's not what I was going to say. I was going to say, a party. We can get some alcohol in you, some dancing and I can guarantee that you'll forget all about the guy."

"You know what, sure. If you can get someone to throw a party, count me in. Come on Sam, we've got a lot of studying to do if you want to pass this History test."

Finn Hudson hadn't seen much of his best friend since he told her about his getting back together with Quinn Fabray, it was clear that she was angry at both him and Quinn but he wasn't one hundred percent sure as to why. Knowing that it was Friday and after hearing Rachel Berry's worst performances of an original song inspired by a headband, he made his way to the library where he knew he would find Dani Karofsky tutoring Sam Evans in whatever subject had a test nearing. When he entered the library, Dani's back was facing him and he saw the two blondes laughing loudly in the normally silent area of the school campus. Tapping Dani's right shoulder twice, he took the open seat on her left and greeted the fellow New Directions, "Did you hear about Rachel's party on Saturday?"

Sam nodded, answering for both him and Dani after seeing her avoiding Finn's brown eyes, "Yeah, we heard. Puck told us before he asked Rachel that we needed a party."

Seeing that his best friend was avoiding his glance, Finn shared a concerned look with Sam starting their silent conversation about their companion as she flipped through Sam's textbook to find the unit he was currently learning. Finn, being incredibly bold, slid the textbook in front of him in hopes to draw her attention to him, which miraculously worked, "Hey, did I tell you that Rachel wrote this really bad song?"

"You mean "My Headband", she played me the song the other night on the phone," Dani monotonously replied as she closed her notebook that sat in between her and Sam, indicating that she was done and leaving.

Dani shoved her school supplies into her backpack, leaving the two football players sitting in silence as they watched her leave. Sam slowly gathered his things too, figuring that if he didn't catch her now he wouldn't have a ride home because she's forgetful when she's upset. Finn softly smacked his forehead on top of the table, cursing himself for making his best friend so upset with him, and caught Sam by the wrist before he could leave him alone, "Is she ever going to stop being mad at me?"

Sam pulled his wrist from the junior's grasp, he himself being beyond angry with Finn Hudson as well, "Well, I don't know Finn. It's not really my job to tell you these things seeing as you stole my girlfriend from me. See you at the party, or not, I don't really care."

"Is it too late for me to leave and go home and eat the cannolis I made from scratch?" Dani asked in a low voice as Sam rang Rachel Berry's doorbell, earning an interested look from Santana.

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