Jagged Little Tapestry

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The Karofsky Twins sat on top of Dave's car, chatting and laughing in the parking lot of McKinley High School before Dave left for his classes at University of Lima and Dani left for Glee Club. Dani stirred a packet of sugar into her black coffee, smirking as her brother's phone lit up with yet another text message from her show choir son, "So how's everything with Blaine?"

Dave tried to suppress his blush, ultimately giving up on trying to hide his happiness from his little sister, smiling down at his phone as he responded to Blaine's text, "Really really good, actually. I'm really happy. Thank you for suggesting he contact me when he came back home, maybe one of your better ideas."

"Anything for my big brother," she snorted, giving him the finger at his remark. 

Dave puckered his lips, sending a kiss at his irritated sibling, "What are you still doing in town?"

"Quinn and I are on October recess, so we're here for the rest of the week. I really love the week breaks we get every month or so, makes it easier for me to come home and see you all. But anyways, Q wants to be here for Rach's first Glee Club rehearsal with the new kids." 

Airman Noah Puckerman parked his old truck in the parking space beside Dave's vehicle, closing his door to hear Dani's comment about Quinn and Rachel, "Still shocked that those two are still together. This has got to be both of their longest relationships."

Dani rolled her eyes at him, faking an amused laugh at his comment regarding two of the girls he dated in high school, "Very funny, Noah. If I remember correctly, they both had boyfriends for a while until you got in the picture. And it was the same person you screwed over, your best friend."

Noah hissed at the reminder of his mistakes, grabbing the left side of his chest, "Ouch, Dani. That hurt. Way to remind me of my youthful indiscretions."

"Look at you using four dollar words to impress me," the blonde teased, earning a childish response of a stuck out tongue from Puck.

Dave chuckled at their banter, sliding off the hood of his truck, "I'll leave you two alone. Seeing that you guys have a Glee Club rehearsal to attend. Good to see you Puck."

Noah patted his former teammates' shoulder, waving to him briefly as Dani slid off the hood so her brother could leave their alma mater to attend his first class of the day, "You two, Dave. So are we gonna talk..."

Dani skipped toward the entrance of McKinley, leaving Puck standing in the middle of the parking lot alone, "Glee Club!"

Puck rolls his eyes at the skipping blonde, following her into the school and joining her at her side, "You know ever since we've known each other, everytime you want to avoid having a conversation about your feelings or something that makes you vulnerable you distract me with Glee Club."

Dani choked on her retort, changing her mind when she saw a certain blonde walking ahead of them, "Oh, Quinn! Come on, we're going to be late."

"Coward," Quinn chuckled as Dani took her by the elbow and dragged her to the choir room.

Rachel applauded as the New Directions, current four and alumni, all gathered in the choir room, "Welcome, everyone, to our very first Glee Club rehearsal. First, I would like to welcome back our distinguished alumni who have so graciously agreed to stay an extra week. So, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Yeah, how exactly are you guys doing that?" Jane asked, confused on how so many of the alumni were able to remain in Lima for the week.

Brittany shrugged innocently, "Oh, I can bend time and space with my mind."

Quinn and Dani shared an amused look about Brittany's comment, chorusing, "Yale has a lot of random breaks."

Madi decided she'd explain more clearly that Brittany's explanation, finding that no one took her seriously, "I go to school at Ohio State, Nate works in the area, and God only knows what Puck does."

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