1. The Summer Before Fifth Year

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I woke up slowly in the bed on the floor next to Ginny's bed she was still sleeping and it was still dark out, I loved this summer it was better than living at my parents gloomy manor and my boring siblings.

I checked the time and saw 5:49am I try going back to sleep and can't do I go down the stairs and go and get some water, I step over the steps that are creaky so I don't wake anyone else up.

I grab a glass and fill it up with water and hear a voice behind me.

"Morning y/n." I was Molly.

"Morning, Molly." Although I tried to call her Mrs Weasley she insisted that I call her Molly.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asks me.

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep" I say "need help with anything this morning?" I ask politely, although I grew up never watching my mum cook I still knew the basics.

"Yeah, your help is always appreciated." She says smiling at me.

"Give me five minutes to get dressed, and sort out my hair" I say gesturing to my hair that is a mess.

"Okay, darling I'll start getting stuff ready" she says.

I quickly creep into the bedroom I was sharing with Ginny, even though the twins and I insisted that nothing was going on with any of us she still didn't want us sharing a room. Maybe she knew I had feelings for Fred or something I don't know I thought to myself.

Getting dressed quickly and sorting myself out I walk back down the stairs and go to help Molly.

"Looking forward to this year at Hogwarts?" She asks me.

"Excited and nervous as we have our OWLs at the end of the year and excited for quidditch of course." I reply to Molly.

We carry on with our conversation whilst we are cooking.

"Y/n dear would you be able to get everyone up for me please?" She asks me. Th Weasley house was pretty empty this summer as Charlie and Bill spent time with the family in Egypt so they were back to work.

I knock on Percy's door he was the easiest to wake up and most of the time was already up. "Come in." He said.

I open the door and peek my head round the door, "breakfast is ready," I say.

"I'll be down in a minute." He says and I walk off to the next door which was Ron.

I just walk in knowing his not going to be up I stand next to his bed and shout, "Ron time for breakfast." He mumbles something under his breath and pulls the cover over his head.

I walk out and go and wake Ginny up she was quite easy to do on most days and she walked down the stairs into the living area.

Now it was time for Fred and George who where arguably the hardest two to wake up along with Ron. I open the door and shout at them both.

"Fred, George breakfast!" They don't wake up. So I start jumping on George's bed and he starts waking up. "You know you are annoying right y/n?"

"I know Georgie that's why I am your favourite cause you are equally annoying." I say as I start jumping on Fred's bed.

"Come on Freddie wake up!" I shouted and he pulled me down on top of him.

"I heard you the first time Avery." He said to me, he was the only person that called me Avery and I don't know why.

"Sure you did." I smirk at him "that's why you were still sleeping."

"I was just resting my eyes." He says and I start laughing at him.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now