Story 6: KuroTaka (2)

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Ayanokouji POV

Finally, our morning classes have ended, all throughout the time, a lot of people were glancing at me, it was very uncomfortable, although I was thankful that it was already lunch, I'm still not sure whether this is a blessing or not, I was thinking of going to the library, but I was quite hungry, so I decided against it, I was planning to go with the Ayanokouji group but each of them had their own stuff to do, so I just shrugged it off and went to the cafeteria... by myself.

Once I reached the cafeteria, I immediately walked to the ticket machine since I saw a lone figure of an indecisive girl standing by the ticket machine, it was honestly surprising to see here here, I approached her and softly called out her name to avoid startling her.

"Hiyori." I said, she looked was a little surprised but immediately regained her composure.

"Oh, Ayanokouji-kun, hello, it seems like you caught me at a quite embarrassing moment." She said as she giggled.

"I don't see any reason to get embarrassed if you're just having a hard time choosing your meal, and if you want, I could help you choose." I said.

"Hmm? Really?" She asked, for a second, I thought I saw her eyes sparkle, is it really something she should be very excited about?

"Yeah, if it's ok with you that is." I replied.

"Then, I would be very grateful." She said as she moved away from the ticket machine, I chose the same meal for the two of us.

After we got our food, we decided to go together and look for a table, we found one in a less crowded part of the cafeteria, I noticed that the bag that Hiyori usually brings wasn't with her, I was planning to ask but she spoke first.

"So, Ayanokouji-kun, any particular reasons as to why you dyed your hair?" Hiyori asked, I was actually prepared for these types of questions.

"A reason? Well, if I were to give one, maybe because I wanted to see how other people would treat me if I changed without prior notice." I said, she seemed a little surprised after I said that.

"Is that so? Well, I can assure you, Ayanokouji-kun, that as your friend, I'll support your change! Also, I think the black hair actually suits you and your mysteriousness."  She said enthusiastically, it's quite uncommon for Hiyori to be this enthusiastic or happy unless it's something relating to a book.

"Is that so? Thank you then, I guess." I said as we reached our table and sat down.

"Did you not bring your bag today Hiyori?" I asked her.

"Hm? Oh, no, I left it in the classroom since I wasn't able to bring the new books that I bought." She said, but if I remember correctly, she had a book earlier.

"What about the book that you were holding earlier today?" I asked.

"Ah, that book was from the library, I was just planning to return it that time." She answered.

"I see." After I said that, she just nodded and we continued eating and talking about trivial stuff and things about books as well as different authors, after a few minutes of eating and talking, we finished and decided to put our trays away, but I felt a presence behind me approaching us, I was about to turn around but the person immediately put their arm around my neck, my first guess would've been Sudo, but the arm wasn't as muscular as his, rather, it was quite thin for it to be a male's arm, and I also felt a soft and round sensation on my side and the scent of the person was that of someone who was wearing perfume which had a... female scent? So my conclusion was that it was a girl.

"Kōhai-kun, there you are." The voice was quite familiar, even though I didn't see her face, I knew who it was since there was only one person who calls me that nickname, it was Kiryuuin Fuka, a senpai.

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