〣( ºΔº )〣

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*Roses are red,
Violets are related to blue,
Did you know?
Your Senpai will never notice you!

"Can you tell me why you gathered us here at the school building... At nighttime, Shibata?" Kanzaki asked.

"I told you earlier, we're going Ghost hunting!" Shibata replied.

"Right... Well, here are the things you gave me, I'll be giving them back to you, and I'll be heading back to the dorms to rest and enjoy my weekend." Kanzaki said.

"Aww, come on Kanzaki, don't you want to solve that mystery and to know if the rumors are true?" Shibata said.

"No. And I could care less about those rumors since it's not like they'll help us reach the higher classes." Kanzaki stated.

"You're no fun, you know that?" Shibata said.

"Now now, Shibata-kun, no need to say that, Kanzaki-kun is plenty fun! .....I think." Ichinose said.

"I admit, I am not the most fun person in the room-"

"Not just in the room Kanzaki, in the whole school. Even Ayanokouji-kun is much more interesting than you." Shibata said.

".....As I was saying, I may not be a fun person, but-"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" A loud high pitched scream was heard and echoed in the room.

"What was that?!"


"So... What are we doing here, Ryuuen? Surely you're not planning to trap me or something, right?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Kukuku, no, of course not. That'll wait until before our third year here ends." Ryuuen replied.

".....What if you get expelled before that?" Ayanokouji asked.

"I already got a plan for that." Ryuuen said.

"Care to share it?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Kuku, it's nothing big, it's pretty simple, you might get disappointed once you hear it." Ryuuen said.

"That much is obvious, I mean, you'll only have limited time before you're told to get out of school so doing something time-consuming within that short span of time would be hard. Even for me, I admit." Ayanokouji said.

"...I never get you, y'know? At most times, you avoid revealing shit and being confident, and sometimes, you're like this, revealing or admitting something." Ryuuen said.

"I don't know what you mean." Ayanokouji said.

"Of course you don't... Anyway, if you really wanna hear it, it's simple. Once they say that I'm expelled, I'll excuse myself and go straight to your classroom and punch you, in the face. Of course, it can only go two ways, you either fight back, which will be good since a lot of people will see you beating me up. Or you let me beat you up until someone stops me." Ryuuen explained,

".....What if I'm not in the classroom?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Then I'll look for you. Or maybe tell Hiyori to spend time with you in a certain place, if that doesn't work, I'll consider using Ibuki." Ryuuen said.

"Do you think Ibuki would still follow you when you're expelled?" Ayanokouji asked.

"You know the answer to that, don't 'cha?" Ryuuen said.

"No. Not really." Ayanokouji said.

"Of course you don't..." Ryuuen said.

"Ok, now care to tell me why we're here?" Ayanokouji asked.

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