NekoKouji (2)

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It's been about 10 minutes since I started my shift, thankfully, no one I know has come to our cafe yet, until now that is.

"Welcome to Class 2-D's Neko Cafe Nyan." I said in my monotone voice.

"GAHAHAHAHA, Oh man, I never knew I needed that." One of the newly arrived customers laughed as I said that, the name of that customer is Hashimoto Masayoshi.

"Fufufuhihihihi, Oh my, I'm sorry for laughing Ayanokouji-kun." Sakayanagi said.

".....It's fine." I said. It took them a few seconds before they could stop laughing.

"Once again, I'm sorry for laughing Ayanokouji-kun. Anyway, are there any available seats?" Sakayanagi asked while still a little red, probably because of laughing.

"Yes, are there only two of you?" I asked.

"Yes, Kito-kun has his shift, while Masumi-san was too embarrassed." Sakayanagi said. Embarrassed? That girl? I find that very hard to believe.

"I see, anyway, you can ask one of the waiters inside to assist you." I said as I opened the door.

"Thank you." She said then she and Hashimoto entered.

I really wish I don't have to say the same line to the other people that I know, it's too embarrassing.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I believe I said that try to attract customers, not to just stand there and hope to attract some." Horikita said, who by the way, came out of nowhere.

"Uhh, how should I do that?" I asked.

"How should I know? I'm not a guy." She said.

"But you're a girl." I said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean, you know what most girls would want right?" I said.

"Yes, user normal circumstances, that would be the case, but do you think I have the same interests as the majority of the girls?" She said. That's a good point.

"Right..... I'll just see what I can do then." I replied.

"Please do." She said and she went back in.

Now, what should I do? I'm not as social as Yousuke nor am I as famous as him, I'm also not as blunt as Keisei and I'm definitely not as confident as Akito, why did they even pick me for this.

"Yahoo! Kiyotaka-kun!" That voice, I turned to my right, which was where the voice came from, as I thought, it was Honami, she was with her friends and they were approaching me, now that's convenient.

"Hello, Honami." I greeted.

"Oh, wait, uh, sorry, wrong way to greet a customer." I said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Honami asked.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, welcome to Class 2-D's Neko Cafe Nyan." I said in the same way as I said earlier when I greeted Sakayanagi and other previous customers.

". . . . ."

". . . . ." 

Honami, me, and her friends were just staring at one another, it was already awkward in itself, but I realized that all of them were girls and that made me feel more awkward. We continued staring at one another.




"KAWAII!" They exclaimed, now I'm confused.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now