The Good, The Bad, The Bro-Con, The Smug, and The Bakemomono.

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Ayanokouji POV

Hell, I didn't really believe that place existed, I thought it was something people used against people so that they won't do bad things, I guess I was wrong, but there was one thing that differs this hell from the lore, this hell that I am in isn't hot, no, it was cold, filled with monsters who were fuming.

Those weren't the only things that were in the room, another thing is the tense and cold atmosphere surrounding 3 girls.

"Uhm, if you two don't mind, I would like to have this seat." Ichinose said in a tone that I haven't heard from her.

"Ara, did no one teach Ichinose-san that one should learn to give to the unfortunate?" Sakayanagi said. Although she was smiling, her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Umm, I would like to have this seat, since Ayanokouji-kun is my only friend and I'm not good with strangers." Hiyori said, like Ichinose, she said it in a tone that I haven't heard from either of them.

"Hmm, I suppose it would be alright if I give up the seat, but provided, I get to sit on Ayanokouji-kun's lap." Sakayanagi said. No, even though you look pretty huggable, I still wouldn't allow it.

They continued to stare at one another in silence, none of the three were backing down. Aside from the cold and tense aura that those three were emitting, there were also similar auras coming from the other people in the class, and those ones were directed at me.

The most intense glare directed at me was Kei's, she's probably jealous. How can I make it up to her? Kisses don't work that much anymore since she got used to them, we already finished Spongebob and Peppa Pig, should I sing her a song or something? Maybe a lullaby or a nursery rhyme? She has never heard me sing before, and according to my dear mother, HaruKaa, despite my monotone voice when I talk, my singing voice is still impressive, then, after that, maybe we can watch shows from Cocomelon, or maybe Dora, which ever one she picks, yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Anyway, I can think about those later, for now, I should think of a plan on how I am going to run out later at lunch before I get questioned.

Wait, isn't there a teacher in here?  I looked at Chabashira-sensei who was just standing there, doing nothing to stop what was happening, oi, I know you're happy that you can now focus with your love life since you're already sure that we'll reach Class A, but you should still do your role as a teacher.

"If neither of you are going to sit down, I'm taking the chair." The one who said that while sitting on the chair beside me was Ryuuen.

"Yo, King, how's it going and how's your excalibur?" Although I don't approve of that nickname, I'll let it pass for now since it made the atmosphere lighter.

Most of the boys chuckled, some of them were either embarrassed or confused, they probably weren't there when "that" happened, most of the girls are confused as well, only two of them seemed to understand what that meant, those two were Sakayanagi and Chabashira-sensei, who was blushing, I can't believe this teacher, having perverted thoughts about her student.

"R-Ryuuen-kun, please let me have the seat." The one who said that was Hiyori. She pleaded with puppy eyes and a cute expression, there's no way Ryuuen can reject that.

"Tch. Fine, I'll just go sit beside Suzune." Ryuuen said as he stood up from the seat and let Hiyori sit.

"Oh, Ayanokouji-kun, I don't notice you there, what a coincidence, I get to sit beside my book buddy." Hiyori said. Coincidence my—, you know what, I can't get mad at Hiyori, I can't imagine her crying state.

"Alright, enough of this for now, we should start class." Chabashira-sensei said. That was enough to make everyone settle down, that's good, Chabby-sensei still holds power.

"I know this is a first, but the we will be having a group activity." That doesn't sound bad, no, it sounds so bad, well, I guess it would be fine if I get grouped with the members of the Ayanokouji Group, but I doubt something like that would happen, especially if you consider my bad luck.

"You will be grouped by 7, two groups will have 8 members., I have the list of the groupings, I will announce them, so please listen." Chabby-sensei said.

"The first group will have Ike, Sudo, Shinohara, Miyamoto, Okitani, Sotomura, Mori, and Inogashira." Wow, how unlucky.

"What?! Why am I grouped up with that woman‽" Ike asked referring to Shinohara.

"Shut up Ike, I don't have time for you childish problems." Chabby-sensei said, yes, outstanding move, I didn't have to listen to Ike's loud voice.

"The second group consists of, Miyake, Hasebe, Sakayanagi, Kamuro, Shiina, Horikita, Karuizawa and Ayanokouji." I would've complained, but since Akito was with me, and I know he's a good man, yes, he's a man, not a boy, so if ever something happens, he'll be there.

Chabashira-sensei proceeded to announce the groupings, Ryuuen was in a group that consists mostly girls, Ryuuen was the only guy, if I was normal, I would've been jealous, but since I have high quality and better performing ones, I don't see any reason to be jealous. Don't misunderstand the better performing part.

"The goal of each group is to ruin one of the four, Either you ruin a childhood cartoon, lullaby, bedtime story or nursery rhyme." Chabashira-sensei said. That's a pretty interesting task, I myself read some bedtime stories when I was i. The White Room, it was what I did during my free time, other than the piano and stuff.

"Note that this isn't a Special exam, it's just schoolwork. But you will sti be rewarded for your efforts so no need to worry about your efforts being wasted." Chabashira-sensei said. That's good to hear.

"You can talk with your group mates later." Chabashira-sensei said before starting the lecture.


"So, uhh, why are you guys in my room?" I asked.

"Isn't that obvious? To do the task." Horikita said, right, but why my room?

"Also, your room is spacious, that's the other reason." Haruka said.

"Wow, I didn't know Ayanokouji-kun was a minimalist." Kei acted like it was her first time entering my room.

"I'm not, I just don't have enough points to buy things." I said while going along with her act.

I noticed that Ichinose was staring at something, I followed her gaze to see what she was staring at, it was a towel, it was the same towel that had lended to her when she came in my room when we got wet..... In the rain.

"Ichinose-san, is there something wrong?" Horikita asked, it seems like she noticed that Ichinose was spacing out.

"A-Ah, no, no, nothing's wrong." Ichinose said.

"Fufu, could it be that Ichinose-san is a pervert?" Sakayanagi asked.

"E-Eh?! N-No, I'm not! W-What are you saying Sakayanagi-san?." Ichinose tried to deny Sakayanagi, but her being flustered made it hard to believe.

"Oh? But you've been staring at that towel for a while now, I wonder what you were thinking when looking at it, E-cchi-no-se-san." Sakayanagi said.

Yare Yare, what am I going to do? Will I survive this? There's still 2 and a half hours before Akito arrives from his club, would I still be alive by then? I wonder.....


A/N: Hello, did you enjoy this? Probably not as much as you did like the previous one. While writing this, the thought of quitting writing actyually passed through my mind, and I actually wondered what will actually happen if I just suddenly stop updating without prior notice, hmm. Anyway, I don't think I plan on stopping anytime soon, I'll probably stop when face-to-face classes are back, which is I don't know when, anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.

That's all.


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