Strawberry Pink V.S. Coffee Black, but Coffee Black is mostly winning.

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I forgot that I'm actually an author... Oops.


"H-Here Ayanokouji-kun." She hands me a bento that was wrapped in a furoshiki, a Japanese wrapping cloth.

"Is this really for me?" I asked and she just nodded.

"I see, were you the one who cooked it?" I kind of wanted to end the conversation already since I can feel the glares of my classmates, but I also kind of wanted to know if she really was the one who cooked it.

"Y-Yes." She said meekly. Lately, a lot of people, specifically female students, have been giving me lunches, or bento boxes, then most of them would invite me out to go with them for lunch, and most of them are from the first-year, there are some from the other years too of course, but I just noticed that the majority of them are first years. This started right after I got 1st place in the recent Uninhabited Island exam. Wait, this is no time to think about this, I forgot to thank the person in front of me.

"I see, then, thank you, Amikura." I said.

"Y-You're welcome!" She said.

"Oh, uh, and I also wanted to ask if you wanted to h-have lunch with me." She said, well, I have no reason to refuse her offer, in fact, it works for me since I won't be able to eat properly in the classroom with all the eyes of my classmates on me.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"My our classroom. W-Well, if only you're ok with it." She said. Amikura's class is full of nice people, so, once again, I have no reason to refuse.

"Sure, shall we get going then?" I asked.

"Yeah!" she said with a smile.

"Hold it right there, Mako-chan!" A female voice said and our heads turned in the direction from where the voice came from, which was behind us.

3rd Person POV

'Finally! I got one up over Honami-chan! I'm sorry Honami-chan, but Ayanokouji-kun is just too call to pass on!' Amikura thought to herself when Ayanokouji agreed to eat with her in Class D's (B) classroom.

They started to make their way to Class D's classroom, but before they could even take 5 steps, someone called Amikura's name, which made them stop walking.

"Hold it right there, Mako-chan!"

"Hm?" Amikura turned her head, only to see one of her friends.

"O-Oh, uh, hi, Honami-chan!" Amikura greeted the pouting Ichinose nervously, but she was only met with silence.

"....." The two girls from the same class stared at one another, one had a nervous look while one was pouting.

'I-I can't believe this! I can't believe Mako-chan would try and snatch Ayanokouji-kun from me! W-Well, not that he's mine, but still!' Ichinose thought.

[The author is on Team Coffee, sooo, hehe.]

"Uhhh, Run!" Amikura shouted and grabbed Ayanokouji by his wrist and both of them bolted down the hallway.

"H-Hey!" Ichinose shouted before running after the two.

Amikura and Ayanokouji ran towards the direction of the rooftop while Ichinose trailed just a few meters behind them, Ayanokouji was just confused as to why Amikura was running away from Ichinose, but he didn't question anything and instead, he just kept running and matched Amikura's pace. 

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now