Last Reaction Before Chunchunmaru Disappears...

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*Seeing my siblings get scolded and yelled at is the most entertaining thing in the world XD
-"School is just an expensive way to experience suffering and get depression."
>I miss doing Mako Chapters...



"Alright, before all of you strain your vocal cords, let me tell you that there's no need to panic." Chunchunmaru said immediately after the loud bang.

"What do you mean don't panic?! That was a fucking gunshot!" Ike shouted.

"More reason not to panic." Chunchunmaru said.

"W-What?! You're crazy!" Ike shouted.

"Why should we not panic, when we just literally heard a gunshot!?" A student asked.

"Because you won't die since it's not a nuclear weapon, it's also not a cannon, it's also not a load that was fired from a tank." Chunchunmaru said.

"It's still from a lethal weapon!" Another student shouted.

"Yeah, I know that genius." Chunchunmaru said.

"Then why are you telling us not to take cover or not panic!?" Ishizaki asked.

"Ok, because, A, a bullet can't get through and won't ever get through the walls nor door of that room they are in unless if there's a hole or the door is opened. B, because I said so. C, because the author isn't planning to kill any of you... Yet." Chunchunmaru said.

"YET!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"No need to repeat it loudly, I know what I said." Chunchunmaru said.

"Also, don't worry, (s)he won't kill all of you. At most, (s)he will kill the ones who weren't named in the wiki or LN." Chunchunmaru added.

"So... You, you and you, you as well, and a few more of you, and uhh, you too, are not going to die." Chunchunmaru said while pointing at the ones who have been named so far in the LN, as well as Wiki.

"Wait I'm going to die?!" Ike asked.

"Well, you're on the naughty list, so yeah. But there is still a chance that the author might change his mind, depending on how you behave." Chunchunmaru said.

"W-Why is he included?! He was named and mentioned in the LN right!? I want to talk to the author!" Shinohara said.

"S-Satsuki..." Ike muttered.

"Ok, first, how did you know that? Second, you can't talk to the author. He's busy." Chunchunmaru said.

"Busy with what?!" Shinohara asked.

"Rewatching Keijo and making a COTE one-shot inspired by Keijo." Chunchunmaru said.

[You don't know what Keijo is? That's fine! That just means you aren't much of a degenerate!]

"What's Keijo?" Hashimoto asked.

"A sport exclusively for women, or girls, or female human beings, whichever it is." Chunchunmaru said.

"Why is it only exclusive for women?" Ichinose asked.

"Because, uhh, how do I explain this... Ah, I know, I'll just show you, wait no, that'd make things more complicated. Just... just know it's exclusive for women because men lack the "talent" to participate in it." Chunchunmaru said.

"That seems like an interesting sport." Nishino said.

"Can we react to it once it's finished?" Haruka, who will be one of the top contenders in that Keijo one-shot, asked. Chunchunmaru laughed loudly and after laughing, he spoke.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now