Albert-chan wants a friend?

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Ayanokouji POV

6 p.m., I was in my dorm room when I suddenly got a message from an unknown number, this isn't the first time I received a message from an unknown number, but some part of me wished it to be a girl, in the message it contained:

Are you free tomorrow? Can we meet?》

At first I initially thought it was Kei, but when I checked the number again, it clearly wasn't her, so I just decided to text back without coming out rude.

《Excuse me, but may I ask who this is?》

Apparently, it seems like the sender was actually waiting for my reply, because after a few seconds of my message being sent it was immediately marked as read, well either that, or, the person just might've been using their phone, but as I was thinking about these things a message notification got me off my thoughts, and in the message the name was truly unexpected, if I would describe it as a normal person, it would be almost as surprising as to when your crush texts you the words "I like you, please go out with me." The message contained:

《 I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, this is Albert Yamada.》

So Albert huh? Usually I would more or less think about this as a set-up but it doesn't seem that way, wait how did he even get my number?

《It's fine, but how did you get my number?》

After a few seconds of waiting I got a reply.

《I asked Shiina-san for it.》

Of course Hiyori, I'm not all that surprised since Hiyori is or was the only one in class C who has my number, but still I need to confirm it with her just in case.

《Hiyori, was it really you who gave my number to Albert?》

After a minute or two I received a reply.

《Ah, Ayanokouji-kun, yes sorry I didn't inform you beforehand, but it seemed like Albert-kun was pretty excited when he asked me for it, I hope you don't mind.》

Hm, so at the very least Albert is not lying, oh right I need to respond to Hiyori first.

《I see, well it's fine,thanks for letting me know.》

Well now that, thats taken care of, how do I respond to Albert's message?
Well it's not like I'm busy tomorrow anyways and I think Albert is quite a trustworthy person, so i think I'll just accept.

《Sure, where should we meet tomorrow?》

Honestly, I don't know why I even thought of Albert as someone trustworthy specially after what happened (Vol.7)  but, it's too late to take back what I said in accepting his invitation anyways so I'll just play along.

《Keyaki mall, 1 P.M., is it okay with you?》


Well, tomorrow is gonna be quite a day.

This timeskip is bought to you by Horikita Suzune

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