A bit More of Mako-chan~! Wait, I used this title already... Oh well...

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-So... my readers are now simping for a side character..... WHY?! XD
+We're now on 100k reads, never expected that XD 


"H-Hello, uhh, Honami-chan. Ehehe." Amikura said.

"M-Mako-chan, w-why i-is A-A-A-Ayanokouji-kun in your d-dorm?" Ichinose asked while stuttering.

"U-Umm, about that..." 

~Ah Yes, Heartbreak... I love it!| Anyway, Flashback.~

"U-Uhh, Ayankouji-kun, I-I don't think I'm ready for t-this..." Amikura said. 

"Don't worry, it won't hurt." I said.

"A-Are you sure?" She asked and I just nodded.

"O-Ok, I-I trust you, A-Ayanokouji-kun." She said.

[I feel like something is missing..... Oh right! Context! Wait, let's go back a bit more.]
~More Flashback!~

"I think..... Your door is broken." I said.

"Eh?" Amikura let out a confused sound.

"T-There's no way." She said as she approached the door.

"Please excuse me." She said and I moved aside. Once I moved aside, she tried to open the door, she also checked whether it was locked or not, which, it wasn't. She then tried pushing and pulling it while making cute grunting noises, before finally giving up.

"I-It is locked....." She said as she slowly moved away from the door.

"Hmm, this was quite unexpected." I said.

"Y-Yeah, t-the door didn't really show signs of breaking or anything like that before this, so it really is unexpected." She said.

"I-I'm sorry about this, A-Ayanokouji-kun, I-I....." She said in a very apologetic tone, and it sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Hey, no need to worry about it also, don't apologize, it's not your fault. Also, I thought of something that we can do." I said trying to comfort her.

"E-Eh, r-r-really?" She asked and I nodded.

"W-What is it?" She asked.

"We can just try and call someone." I said showing her my phone.

"Oh! I-I didn't think of that!" She said.

"But who are you going to call? If it's not much to ask." She said.

"Well, I was initially thinking of Ichinose..." I said.

"No! She might get the wrong idea and... Ah!" She instantly covered her mouth and stopped talking.

"I-I, uhm, I mean, uhh...." She started to get flustered.

"Well, I said I was initially planning to do so, but considering she has a lot of friends, she might be busy, and it's a weekend as well, so there's a high chance that we might disturb her." I said. Since Amikura and I both slept late, we got up late, so it was now 11 A.M. and most students are probably meeting up at the mall by now.

"Ah, ahhh, I see, s-sorry for my reaction." She said while scratching her cheek with her finger.

"It's fine." I said.

"Well, uhh, now who are you planning to call, Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked.

Good question. Well, first of all, I am currently avoiding all contact with Horikita, so she's out of the list, also, she might still be stuck, so she really is out of the list. Next, I have Kei, but she's also out of the list, because of obvious reasons. Hmm, who else, we also have the members of the Ayanokouji group, let's see, Akito is busy with his club since he has an upcoming tournament, Haruka is a no since if I ask her to keep this a secret, she'll probably have conditions might blackmail me like last time, and finally Keisei, he's also a no since I'll have to explain a lot if it's him, wait, hmm, did I forget someone? No, surely not, with my computer-like brain, that'd be impossible. Who else is there... Katsuragi? No, he might try and asking questions about why I always get stuck with girls. Ryuuen? No, since Amikura is here, he's out of the question since I can't just casually contact Amikura's class' greatest enemy. Hiyori? No, I don't want to disturb her reading time, and she's probably at the library, which isn't near the dorms. If I was Kei, I'd be shouting 'Ahh mou.' but I wasn't her, so, no

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