Fuck it, I'm gonna Isekai them.

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-Yall can have this while I continue to think about that Roses are red thing.

It was a normal, dull, slow, cloudy, boring and most importantly, normal day.

In facts, it was too normal that I felt that something was going to happen, of course, I'd rather nothing happens, but considering that I am the protagonist and this is just a fanfic, nothing can be normal since the readers will just get bored and stop reading.

But I digress, that was not the important thing now. What's important is that I should stay more vigilant than usual.

"You seem to be having quite the internal struggle there." A familiar feminine voice said.

"Horikita? When did you get here?" I asked the black-haired maiden that had just arrived.

"Well, as you can see, just now." She said... Right, well I shouldn't have asked the obvious.

"I see..." I replied as she sat down on her chair.


And now, just like how any conversation I have with anyone goes, it ends on an awkward note.

"Can you please stop staring? Sudou-kun already does that and him alone is annoying enough, I wouldn't want to deal with you as well." She said. Oh, I was staring. Well, that's not important, what's important was that she took that chance to say the part about Sudou to call him out.

I would say that I feel bad for Sudou, but then again, I have no experience in being rejected by someone I like or even liking someone, period.

Well, that aside and back to what I was thinking about earlier.

It still is too normal of a day that everything feels... Off.


The bell has rung, Chabashira-sensei is at the door and still. Nothing happened...

Or so I would be saying if a glowing circle just suddenly appeared beneath us, conveniently after Sensei had stepped into the room and every student of class d was present...

Ah, it's bright... Too bright.

I couldn't see anything, all I heard was the sound of panic and screaming. And someone calling my name.

Pipiti-poppity-boo. Hippity-hoppity-hop. Alakadabra-alakazam. I'm running out of magic words except for please, so let's end it with, Shazam.

Ugh... My eyes hurt from that light... And my butt doesn't feel like it's being supported by my usual chair... Sigh. I knew it, something was going to happen.

Could it be some sort of special exam? I wouldn't put it past the school, but from looking at Sensei's confused and distressed face, it doesn't seem like it, unless of course, teachers weren't told about it.

"I-Is everyone alright?" Sensei called out while scanning around. I also did the same, but rather than focusing on whether my classmates were there or not, I put my attention on our surroundings. It seems like we are in some sort of huge room, one from medieval times it seems like. Not only that, but there were also hooded people circling us, and it seems like my classmates had just noticed that fact as well.

And at the same time as my classmates noticed the hooded people, the huge door opened, and walked in a beautiful adult lady with a seemingly over-the-top gown.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now