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You thought I stopped writing? Well, I did, I was just bored, that's why I wrote this... shit.

"Oi, Kei stop running around." 

"Hey, Suzune, don't touch the stove, you'll--..... Burn yourself....." 

"WAAH!" The young Horikita cried. Well, now how is she going to grow up as a good cook if she starts being scared of stoves because of this incident...

"Ouch, stop Arisu don't pull my hair." I told the little Sakayanagi who was on my shoulders. You know, I should just let her down and let her walk, it seems like whatever did this to them also fixed her condition... I'll do that later, for now, I need to take care of a crying baby Suzune.

"Ah, hey, Kakeru don't put your head in the toilet-." I'm not even going to lie, he deserves that for all the trouble he gave me...

Ah, this is too troublesome, kids are troublesome, I thought kids were supposed to be cute and tame and all that, but this, this is just a nightmare. I sighed and went toward the crying Suzune.

"Come here, let me take care of that." I said as I took the toddler Suzune onto my arms and made her sit on my bed. I told Suzune to calm down and then tended to her burn and while I was doing it, I felt something dripping from my head, and just then, I remembered that Arisu was on my shoulders, did she fall asleep and started drooling?

I took Arisu from my shoulders and just as I thought, she was sleeping and drooling. I set her down on my bed and then went back to tending Suzune's burn. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad, so there's still a chance that she'll grow into a great cook.

...Anyway, not important. I need to settle everyone down... and clean Ryuuen.

"Stay here, ok Suzu?" I told the little Suzune and she nodded her head, then I patted her head. At least that incident tamed her. Now, for Kei and Ryuuen. Wait...

Honami, where the hell is she?

"Kei, come here for a sec..." I called out to the little Kei that was running around. Unfortunately, she didn't listen, and now she's starting to run away from me instead of to me. 

Thankfully though, her little legs can only get her so fast and I was able to catch her quickly.

"Ehehehe." Kei giggled as I lifted her.

"So, have you seen Honami?" I asked the blonde baby in front of me and she just pointed to the corner... Where there was a moving upside-down basket. How silly.

I approached the basket and lifted it up.

'There you are Honami, I thought you might've jumped out the window." I said as I also pick her up, now in my other arm.

"Ok you two, sit here and behave. I'm going to clean Ryuuen up first." I said as I sat them on the bed beside Suzune who is still a bit shaken, and Arisu who was sleeping... And drooling. I never would've guessed that a "proper lady" such as her would be the type to drool. Then again, she is currently a baby so maybe it's just because of that...

Ah, right, Ryuuen.

"Come here, you little devil." I said as I pick up Ryuuen who was laughing. Even as a baby he's crazy.

I chuckled at how he looked now and how he was as a teenager... What a fat baby. Anyway, I started cleaning him up, from top to bottom..... Yes, to my misfortune, every nook and cranny since he smells horrible. I don't know how he did it with the toilet being empty, but I would be fine not knowing.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now