Story 5: The 3 idiots and The Chad

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A/N: Alright, before reading this story, I just wanna say that this was inspired by another fanfic I found in fanfiction .net, I think it was dropped/discontinued or something like that but still credits to the writer of that since I got the inspiration for this one from his/her book (Link will be in the comments). Also a HUGE Thanks to you guys who have been voting, suggesting or even simply reading, we appreciate it very much. NOW LET'S START THE STORY! BTW this one doesn't really have any specific timeline from the original story. Hope you Enjoy!


*Class 2D Classroom*

-After Classes-

Ayanokouji POV

Today, I'm inside the classroom with the 3 idiots, it has been about 15 minutes since classes ended and the four of us were alone in the classroom, for some reason they decided to make me stay as well for, apparently something important, which I have doubts, after all they stopped hanging around me around a few months ago, and now they just suddenly decide to invite me here to talk about something, that they claim 'important', well I guess I'll just play along for now.

"So, are you guys ready?" Ike said with excitement.

I have a feeling that I shouldn't really be here.

"Of course!" The other 2 said with excitement as well.

"What are we really here for? More so why am I here as well?" I asked, since they didn't really tell me the reason as to why I also had to stay in the first place.

"Right, we invited you here since your opinion on this matter is very important." Ike said in a serious tone.

Honestly I don't like where this is going, but I have to comply, since they have some dirt on me, or as they said.

"Important? Regarding what topic?" I asked.

"We will be evaluating the girls in our class!" Ike said in a loud and excited voice.

I sigh and look at them with my usual poker face, then I slowly got up from my seat, I knew it would be something dumb, as I was about to walk away Sudo grabbed my wrist.

"Wait Ayanokouji, where are you going?" He asked me.

"Back to the dorm, I don't want to get involved in this, we would get in big trouble if other people hear of this." I said trying to convince them, but Yamauchi reminded me that they have something on me.

"If you leave now you may regret it Ayanokouji." He said still trying to convince me, all three of them looking at me, seriously if someone sees or hears us we would definitely be in trouble.

"If you're worried about anyone coming, there won't be since classes have ended and the senseis won't be checking the classrooms until 6 which means, we still have 2 hours!" Ike said reassuring me.

I sigh. "Just make it quick, actually before that, why is my opinion 'that' important?" I decided to ask as to why they would value my opinion on the topic at hand.

"As much as we hate to admit it, you are very close to a lot of girls in and out of our class, so your opinion would be a very big help." Ike said with a face that contains an emotion that I can't really comprehend, but I noticed that there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now