NekoKouji (4)

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Ayanokouji POV

"You're planning something, aren't you?"

"Hmm~? I wonder what Senpai means~." 

"If you tell me what you're planning, I'll buy you a Teletubby." 

"Hmm~, no, one is not enough, I want all of them." 

"You are aware that I am short on points, right?" 

"Aww, come on, I thought nothing was impossible when it comes to Senpai~?" 

"I can't just snap money out of nowhere." 

"Hehe, of course not, but you can make money with your body~." 

"Wait, does that mean you actually want Teletubbies?" 

"Of course!" 

I'm a little scared to ask this question since it's Amasawa we're talking about, but of course, curiosity will still get the best of me.

".....Can I ask why you want one?" I asked.

"Who wouldn't want biogenetically engineered slaves that look cute? And another thing is that, don't you think they are the same as us in a way? We were experimented on, yet, we're still pretty attractive. Like they are cute, then you and I are handsome and beautiful, respectively that is, and to add to my beauty, I'm also pretty sure, don't you think so too? Senpai~?" I can't deny the fact that Amasawa is indeed cute. But where did she get that biogenetically part? You know what loyal reader, let us forget about that, shall we?

[Sorry about that, just to add some words :D]

"So, do we have a deal Senpai? Hmm~?" She asked.

"...No, I'll just wait and see what you have in store." I said.

"Hehe, you're no fun Senpai~." Amasawa said. She turned away when she saw that I didn't react and that I wasn't planning on saying anything else. She took her phone out and did whatever she's doing.

"Oh! They're here!" Amasawa exclaimed. They? Who's they? As far as I know, Amasawa doesn't get along with most of the other first-years.....

"U-Uh, here's your table." The voice of Yousuke snapped me out of my thoughts. When I snapped back to reality, I saw a decent number of people surrounding the table which was where I and Amasawa were. To be specific, they're first-year girls.....

"Oh goodie, you guys are here." Amasawa said, referring to the first-year girls. There are also a few familiar faces in that group.

"What did you call us for, Amasawa-san?" A first-year girl asked.

"Well, you guys wanted to meet Kiyotaka-senpai, right~?" Amasawa asked.

"Eh? Well, yeah." The first-year replied.

"Well, here he is!" Amasawa exclaimed and posed as if presenting me.

"Eh? You're going to share him?" What do you mean by share? I'm not a toy nor am I food. Though technically, all human beings are food, but if you eat one, it'll be called human cannibalism.

"Huh? Of course not! I just called you here to brag about him!" Amasawa said. Well, I can say that I'm glad that you won't be throwing me into those group of girls.

"What?! Is that what you really called us for?!" Most of the first-year girls exclaimed loudly which earned the attention of the people in the venue.

"Yes, why else did you think I called you for? If you want to sit on Kiyotaka-senpai's lap and all that, you have to take that challenge first, and of course, give votes to their class." Well, that's going to help us a lot. Wait, I just noticed that this was the second time that Amasawa used my first name.

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