This is an Update, A Short one, You don't have to read it. :D

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*A bit of context; Basically, the main cast, except Ayanokouji, is being interviewed and asked questions related to our boy.


Room 1

Interviewer: Alright, first question..... What are your initial impressions of that student named, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? Base your answer after your first interaction with him.

Horikita: Ayanokouji-kun? Well, if I were to honestly answer that question, my answer would be pathetic, someone who is absolutely pathetic, his mentality is, rather, was pathetic.

Room 2

Interviewer: Alright, first question..... What are your initial impressions of that student named, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?

Kushida: Hmm, a normal average guy? Someone you'll be able to see right about anywhere...

Room 3

Interviewer: Ryuuen Kakeru, your first question; What were your initial thoughts of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of Class D?

Ryuuen: Initial thoughts? None, why would I have initial thoughts for someone who I didn't find interesting? Back then at least...

Room 4

Interviewer: About the student named, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, what were your initial thoughts about him?

Hasebe: Kiyopon? Well, my first thought about him was that he was actually pretty attractive, and I'm sure most girls have the same opinion, but mostly everyone lost interest after his introduction, and regrettably, I was one of them.

Room 5

Interviewer: In your eyes, how would you describe, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? Let's start with his outer appearance.

Shiina: Oh, Ayanokouji-kun? Hmm, although it's kind of embarrassing, he is very handsome, and his calm and carefree look somehow looks... attractive? Perhaps endearing.  And, even though it's not really visible when he's wearing his uniform or casual wear, I can tell that he has a well-built body, not too muscular, nor not too thin.

Room 6

Interviewer: About Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, what is your personal description or opinion of him?

Sudo: Ayanokouji? Let's see, I guess he's someone who I wouldn't actually want to mess with, especially after seeing what happened at that time when we fought that first year, and he's someone... Who I can say I'm a bit jealous too, I guess, I mean, he has the title of being the first one to talk to Suzune and--

Interviewer: Ok, please save those answers for later...

Room 7

Sakayanagi: This is about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun, isn't it? [Said with her signature smug smile.]

Interviewer: Y-Yes, may I ask how did you know?

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