50%-kun in a Haunted House (w/ Different COTE Characters) [1]

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1: 50%-kun with the Ayanokouji Group.

Haruka invited the Ayanokouji Group to go out today, apparently, she wanted to visit the new Haunted House that's near Keyaki mall, since I had nothing to do, I agreed to go, the same goes for the other members, but if I'm being honest, that wasn't the only reason why I wanted to come, the other reason is that I wanted to experience it, I had never experience going into a Haunted House, because, as you may already know, because of my past, but let's not get into that.

"Hey, Kiyopon!" There's only one person who calls me by that nickname.

"Hello, Haruka." I greeted back.

"Come on Kiyopon! Put some energy into it!" Haruka said as she slaps my back. I don't think me being energetic would be a good sight, just imagining it makes me uncomfortable.

"I would if I could." I said and she sighed.

"Well, enough of that, where are Miyatchii and Yukimuu?" She asked.

"I don't know, but they're probably on their way. What about Airi? Don't you usually come with her?" I asked.

"Ah yeah, she said she had to wait for the battery of her camera to be fully charged. When I entered her dorm, she was crouching in one corner of the room and staring at the camera, waiting for it to be charged, a cute sight to be honest." She said as she giggled after the last part.

"Oh look! There she is!" Haruka said pointing in the direction of where she came from. I looked at where Haruka was pointing, and indeed, there was Airi, she was running towards us.

"Hah... G-Good Afternoon... Hah..." Airi said in the middle of panting when she arrived.

"Why did you even run Airi? It's not like we'll leave you." Haruka said as she hands Airi a water bottle.

"I-I thought that everyone... hah..... was already here... hah..... And I didn't want to keep you guys waiting." Airi replied.

"Oh, I see I see, Airi is such an angel. Now, we just have to wait for those two." Haruka said referring to Keisei and Akito. Those two usually aren't late, most of the time, they'd arrive just after I arrived, sometimes, earlier than me. Me, Haruka, and Airi continued to wait for at least 5 or so minutes.

"Ahh, where are those two?! The line is getting longer in every second that passes!" Haruka said in an irritated tone as continues to look around.

"Hey, guys! Sorry, we're late!" 

"Gah!" Haruka let out a surprised sound.

"Miyatchii?!" Haruka said as she sees who was behind her.

"Yo." Akito greeted.

"Hello." Keisei greeted as well.

"Don't "Yo" me!" Haruka said as she impersonates Akito's greeting.

"You're like an hour late!" Haruka exclaimed.

"An hour?! Did we really take that long?" Akito was confused.

"No, it's just about 15 minutes. Even less than that I think." I replied before Haruka could.

"Oh, I see. I wouldn't have forgiven myself and Keisei if we really were late for an hour, or even longer than 15 minutes." Akito said.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now