This'll Probably become my Favorite: Ibuki VS Horikita VS Kamuro :D

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*So... It has come to this... The battle of these 3... Hehe.
(I have a lot of pending assignments, yet here I am, writing a chapter in my fanfic for my readers who I don't even know and laughing at Joe Biden tripping on the stairs... Yep, I'll definitely be successful in life.)


"So, you're not going to do anything?" 

"What kind of question is that? Can't you see? They're holding knives, sharp ones, ones that could make you bleed once they pierce your skin, do you not see that Akito?" I asked.

"I mean, I see your point, but I'm here, aren't I?" He replied.

"Well, yeah, but it's not like I can let you get injured, Haruka would kill me." I said and he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, that's true, but she'll also kill me for doing something dangerous." He said.

"Anyway, this is the most intense cooking contest I've seen in my whole life." Akito changed the topic.

"Yeah, I have the same thought." I said.

"Why were they even fighting for you?" Akito asked.

"Oh, you remember that dance right? The one where you need a partner in?" I said.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked.

"Well, all three of them refused to partner up with anyone other than me, or so they said. And then they asked me at the same time when they barged into my room." Well, that wasn't a lie, but just to make the story interesting, the author will be showing you a flashback.

~Well, you heard him, Flashback~

3rd Person POV

Ayanokouji was just enjoying his weekend, in his dorm, doing nothing, laying on the couch, or is it a sofa? Well, anyway, he was just laying around, with the TV on, and his mind somewhere else, until he heard a knock. 

Ayanokouji stood up lazily and lazily walked toward the door, and lazily, unlocked the door and lazily opened the door, there, he saw three girls with their unchanging stern and/or irritated expressions, (that make them look hot).

"Uhh, do you need something?" Ayanokouji asked.

'Did they all come here at the same time intentionally, or was it a coincidence? It's probably the latter, considering that they dislike one another, to the point that they'd rather kiss me rather than talk to the other.' Ayanokouji thought.

"I don't know about them, but I want to tell you about my business inside as much as possible." Horikita said.

"Uh, you can go in first then." Ayanokouji said as he made way for Horikita to enter. Once Horikita was inside, Ayanokouji turned his attention back to the two other girls.

"So... Uh, coming in?" Ayanokouji asked and both of them lightly nodded. Ayanokouji once again made way for the two girls to enter.

Once all the two were inside, Ayanokouji closed the door and locked in, just in case. Ayanokouji went to where his three visitors were, and he signaled them to sit down on his bed while he sat down on the chair near his table.

"So, uh... Drinks?" Ayanokouji asked.

"I'll have tea please." Horikita said.

"What kind?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Whichever you have is fine." She said then Ayanokouji turned to the other two guests to see what they wanted.

".....I'll have chocolate." Kamuro said and Ayanokouji nodded then turned to Ibuki.

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