Fuck it, Here's Part 2

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Sigh..... Earlier was a big mess. Thankfully though, since Sensei wanted to be on my good side, she was quick to step in and defuse the situation. If she didn't, I was afraid that I might get pounced on by the men, well, boys of my class, and that wouldn't be good since Ike is a part of them and he has the power of the hero.

Well, that aside, that incident did at least help me one way or another. Thanks to that, I was able to give the Ayanokouji group a reason why I was going to leave. All I had to tell them was that the princesses were being unreasonable forcing their desire for marriage on someone who they just barely met was enough to convince them to let me leave while they stay. Of course, the Royal Family might come after my head if the princesses get broken-hearted, but I already had a plan for that.

From what I heard from Ike's group while they were asking about this world and this country, in particular, was there was a job that allowed you to wear masks, and explore the world, or even just the continent. You can even get past checkpoints wearing a mask and get other perks as long as you had your ID. That job is being an "Adventurer."

It's a job that requires you to take on quests and get paid for completing them, each quest has some certain difficulty and the difficulty is of course directly proportional to the reward. The harder the quest, the higher the reward. Well, that's not really what sold me in this adventuring thing, it was the part that you were allowed to wear masks and disguises, provided, you have an Adventurer's ID. It really would help since if the Royal family targets me, they could put up notices while exposing my face. Hopefully, that doesn't happen though.

Still, whether it happens or not, I would prefer to take on jobs with a mask on so that I could still have a personal life when I remove it. And it also wouldn't be ideal for the public to find out about me...


Name: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.
Sex: M
Age: 17
Race: -N/A
Exclusive Trait: The Jack.

Trait info:
-Has an affinity for every magic type.
-The more magic type that is learned, the less proficient user becomes in using each magic.
-Can master any skill, but only up to the Intermediate level.
-Passive: Can charm individuals with Royal Blood. Male and Female alike.

Occupation: Demon Prince (Son of the Demon Lord)
Occupation Bonus: Skills are multiplied 5x.

"Hahh..." I let out a sigh as I looked at my info. Although it's good that I'm not weak, and I can be versatile, it's troublesome to have this occupation. Well, thankfully one's info can only be known by them, if people find out that I'm the supposed son of the enemy, it's going to become a witch trial for me. Not only that, but the passive is also a troublesome thing to have since it doesn't state here whether I can control it or not, and I can't even draw a clear conclusion from the incident earlier because even though it did work on the princesses, the queen didn't seem affected in any way. Maybe it's selective? Ah, well, that's not important for now, I should focus on my troublesome occupation.

I wonder... If I go to the land of the demons, would they accept me if I told them about this..... I shouldn't risk it, it might just cause more trouble for me.

Ugh, even in another world I struggle with my identity...


Hm? Why would someone be coming this late?

"Uh, come in?" I called out and the door opened.


"Akito? Isn't it pretty late for you to be here?" I asked.

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