Story (): At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with my life.

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A/N: This might have a few 4th wall breaks. And possibly some weird shit.

50%-kun's POV


I heard my phone ring, I took it out of my pocket and turned it on, I saw the caller ID, it was Kei, I answered it.


"KIYOTAKA STOP RUNNING!" I heard Kei shout, like literally, well, I'm not surprised, she was running a few meters behind me after all.

"No, but thanks for the offer." I answered.

"Stop... hah... hah... running... hahh.... Kiyotaka! We haaah... just ..hah.. want.. to talk!.... hah" Kei said in while panting. 

"I don't believe you, not while you guys have ominous smiles on your faces." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked from the other end.

"Nothing, bye, I love you." I said. I then heard a loud 'Eeep', I'm guessing that was from Kei.

"So Senpai~, what did Kei-senpai say to you?" Someone from my right asked. It was Amasawa.

"Nothing much. Anyway, I'm surprised that you're able to catch up to me." I said.

"Are you really surprised senpai? Because it doesn't really show on your face, you know~? By that, I'm forced to think that you're lying to me." She said.

"Oh, I didn't think Ayanokouji-kun was the type to lie to girls, I'm disappointed in you, Ayanokouji-kun." A girl, no, woman, who I presume to be in her early 30's, said.

"I wasn't lying. Also, Hoshinomiya-sensei, why are you here? Aren't teachers supposed to be busy by this time?" I asked. Although I was surprised that Hoshinomiya-sensei was able to match up to my pace, especially while wearing heels, I didn't bother asking since I doubt that I'd get a proper answer.

"Well, yes, buuut, since this matter involves Ayanokouji-kun, I'd rather get involved with this than work my butt off to do some paper works." She said. And now, I remembered the question I was asking myself earlier. Why was I being chased? I don't think I did something bad. I think.

"Kohai-kun, are you wondering why they are chasing you?" Another girl who was matching up to my pace said. It was Kiryuuin-senpai, although this time, I'm not really surprised that she was able to match up with me.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"Then, I'll tell you if you promise to spend a night with me." She offered.

"Ooh, Fuka-chan, that's not allowed you know~?" Hoshinomiya-sensei said.

"Heeh~ Is Ayanokouji-senpai planning to cheat on Kei-senpai? That's wrong you know~ Tsk tsk." Amasawa said. Among all of the people I know, why did these three have to be the ones to be able to match up with me.

"Depends on what we'll do that night." I said.

"Don't worry, it'll just be a nice dinner date... In your dorm that is. So, what do you say?" Kiryuuin-senpai said.

"I guess it's fine." I said.

"Good, it's a deal then." Kiryuuin-senpai said.

"Eh? Fuka-chan is going to have alone time with Ayanokouji-kun? That's not fair!" Hoshinomiya-sensei said before pouting.

"That's not fair at all Senpai~" Amasawa did the same as Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Anyway, why are they chasing me Senpai?" I asked.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now