Dere Series: (Not really) Hiyakasudere Nurse(s).....

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*In case you didn't know, most of the Dere series will be AUs, because,  ~"PLOT"~.
#What? You don't know what a Hiyakasudere is? Fool, go search for it before you read.
>A Tsundere Arisu seems cute for some reason... I'll add that to the Tsundere *****
-Anyway, I won't hold you back any longer.
+hope you enjoy it!


3rd Person POV

A brown-haired boy was currently lying on a bed in a hospital room, in a considerably normal hospital, his leg had a cast and he was currently being checked by a black-haired individual, who was wearing black rectangular glasses, he was holding a clipboard and was wearing a medical coat, and a stethoscope was hung around his neck.

"So, I have good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" The black-haired individual asked.

"Let's go with the bad news first." The brown-haired boy said.

"Well, your arm is injured, so your teeth might ache for a while." The black-haired individual replied.

"Ok... What about the good news?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"Well, since you have that cast on your leg, people think your leg is also injured, so, you can be physically close with a lot of nurses since they'll be assisting you when you stand up or walk." The black-haired individual gave an immediate response.

".....That's it?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"No. The nurses will also be feeding you, since, on the report, it says that your arm is injured, which, it is... I think? Anyway, I also almost forgot to tell you that you will have different nurses coming in and out of your room since that's what Administrators, Chief Executive Officer, and the Head Nurse wanted." The black-haired doctor explained.

"I see..." The boy said and then a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in." The one who spoke was the black-haired individual. After he said that, the door opened and revealed a loli..... Oh wait, that's just bad narration right there, let's go into detail. 

The door opened and it revealed a loli, well, a short woman or girl, well, she's female either way, so she has purple hair that is tied in two buns with bangs hanging over her eyebrows and peach-brown eyes. She was also wearing a light pink nurse costume-, I uh mean, uniform, Nurses uniform.

"Need something?" The black-haired man asked.

"Yes, Manabu-sensei, you're needed by one of your patients, uh, Nagumo Miyabi-san, he said that his uhm, excuse my terminology, Anus. According to what he said, it started hurting after he went out the day before yesterday, with a girl, who according to him, had the body build of the man." The Girl said.

"I see, well, Akane, transfer him to my colleague, Katsuragi Kohei, he's much more experience in things like these." Manabu said.

"Will do. Now, please excuse me." Akane said before closing the door and leaving.

"Well, that was unprofessional of us, I'm sorry you had to hear that, Kiyotaka." Manabu said.

"No, it's fine, I don't mind, it was actually pretty interesting." Ayanokouji said and Manabu chuckled.

"Well, I still have more patients to attend to, so please excuse me as well." Manabu said as he stood up and Ayanokouji just nodded.

"Oh, and, I'll be sending a nurse right away, don't hesitate to tell her what you need." Manabu said and Ayanokouji just nodded once again, then, Manabu left.

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