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-This isn't the continuation of the previous Mako part.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun, p-please b-be--, AH!" 

"Don't make so much noise." 

"That was your fault, if you didn't that, I wouldn't have made such a soun- Ah!" 

"Do you want us to get caught or something?" 

"Don't put all the blame on me! You're the one who's taking the lead." 

"Can't you just make a different sound or something? Like nyan or something?" 

"Shut up, just help me get unstuck." 

"That's what I've been doing in the past 2 hours."

"And that's what we're going to do until morning if you don't get me out of here." 

"Right. Well, while I'm trying to think of a way to get you out, why don't you tell me how you got stuck there in the first place, Horikita." I said.

"I was trying to get something, and I hit the foot of the bed, then it just collapsed, and you can guess the rest after that." She said. 

"Hm, can I ask how'd you get your phone?" I asked.

"Ayanokouji-kun, you can either sit there and ask questions until morning, or actually help me get out of here." She said.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm helping you." I said.

".....Are you, by any chance, mocking me?" She asked in a threatening voice.

"Huh? Oh, no." I said. 

"Hmm, it sounds like you're mocking me." She said.

"As I said, I'm not." I said.

"Tsk, you're lucky I'm stuck under- Iyah!" She made a cute yet weird sound.

"H-Hey, w-where are you touching?!" She asked.

"W-Well, excuse me for a moment Horikita, I'm uh... going to call for some help." I said as I stood up and went to the door in a rush.

"H-Hey! Ayanokouji-kun!" I heard her shout. I'm sorry Horikita, that sound you made was too loud, if anyone, by any chance, heard that, I'd be dead.

Besides, I'm sure she can get out, after all, she's the one who set it up, so if she was able to get herself stuck, she can get herself unstuck. Just from the way she avoided the question when I asked her about how she got her phone was already suspicious, and then the way she spoke was kind of suspicious as well, I mean, there's no way she'd say, "You're lucky I'm stuck under here.", what she'd usually say is along the lines of, "Ayanokouji-kun, be prepared once I get out of here." Or something like that, and I guarantee that even in the direst situations she'd probably say that. But I wonder why she set this up..... Well, whatever the reason is, I'm sure I'll find out eventually, for now, I need to sleep, it's currently 1:09 A.M., well, it's a good thing it's Saturday tomorrow.

"Oof!" I heard someone bump into me, wow, someone's awake at this time? 

"Ah, sorry." I said as I reach my hand out to the guy who was on the floor, he was wearing a white hoodie that seems to be a bit too big for him. He took my hand and stood up. Hmm, his hands seem a bit too soft and slim for a guy.

"I-I'm sorry as well, I wasn't looking where I was going, hehe." His voice, rather, her voice is feminine, well, I did use the pronoun her, so obviously. She finally looked up at me and I instantly recognized her. Since she was smaller than me, I couldn't see her face earlier, and the hood she was wearing did not help either.

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