The Good, The Bad, The Bro-Con, The Smug, and Some Misunderstandings.

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Ayanokouji POV

Everyone in my group, except Akito who is still in his club, was already working on the project, everything is surprisingly going pretty well, but there was something bothering me that I didn't get to ask earlier.

"Ichinose, aren't you in a different group?" I asked.

"Hm? Ah, yeah, but....." Ichinose tracked off by the end of her sentence.

"But what?" I asked.

"Some girls in the class said that I should avoid going to my group, since I was the only girl and because they were inviting me to their dorm, I personally didn't mind it, but for some reason, they didn't seemed like they trust the my group members." Ichinose explained. Yeah, that explains half of it.

"I see, but why did you go to my room?" Doesn't she know that I'm a man as well?

"A-Ah, well, you see, you're the only one I actually am close with in the class as of the moment, so I thought that you wouldn't mind having me, am I being a bother?" She asked. She wasn't really bothering me that much,  what's bothering me is what she was doing, which was letting her guard down, thus, letting me see something that's isn't supposed to be seen by a man.

"No, but, you do know that I'm a guy as well, right?" I said.

"Yes, I'm aware of Ayanokouji-kun's gender, but I don't get what you are trying to imply about you being a guy." Ahhh, Ichinose, you know what, I'll just drop it.

"No, it's nothing, I was jus—" Before I could continue to speak, Sakayanagi spoke.

"Fufu, how slow of you Ichinose-san, didn't you know? Men are always hungry, they can pounce at their target at any given chance, though, I guess the same could be said with some women." Sakayanagi said and she gave me a look that I don't think I like when she said the last part.

Great job, great fucking job Sakayanagi, you just destroyed my will to live, which means you've defeated the Masterpiece of the White Room in a way, good job. I looked around, everyone, except Sakayanagi had a blush on their face, while looking down. You tainted Hiyori...

Guess I should do something about this awkward atmosphere.

"Uh, if you're talking about food or men being gluttons, I swear that I'm not one." I said acting innocent.

"Yes! My dear boy hasn't been tainted!" Haruka exclaimed as she hugged me and buried my face into her chest. I don't know if I should enjoy this or do something to make her stop, I actually want to tell her that I've already been tainted when Akito and Keisei made me watch some weird movie, but I can't tell Haruka that, if I do, Keisei and Akito will suffer her wrath.

"Umm, Hasebe-san, I think Ayanokouji-kun stopped breathing." Hiyori said. Thank you for your concern Hiyori.

"Ah right, sorry Kiyopon, you were quiet so I thought..... Nevermind." Haruka said with a smile. Well, if I had spoken, chances are, I would have sent vibrations to Haruka's chest, and to her umm... Assets, which might result to her letting a weird sound out.

But that wasn't the only reason why I decided not to speak out, the other reason is because I found it very comfortable. But I can't say that out loud, especially in a room full of girls and within those group of girls is your girlfriend, who is glaring at you.

"It's fine. Anyway, um, are you guys hungry?" I asked.

"Oh? Are you planning to cook Kiyopon?" Haruka asked and I nodded.

"Ayanokouji-kun's cooking... That's something I definitely won't pass on." Sakayanagi said.

"You can cook Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose asked.

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