Don't know what this shit is or where it came from, but I'm publishing it anyway

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*Aight, this chapter should be shitty enough so that you won't vote.
-Offer: You give me zero votes, and, I'll make a lemon for all girls. How's that?
+If this doesn't work, I don't know anymore. Like, what do you guys want? A face reveal or something?

Ayanokouji POV

Finally, summer vacation has finally started. We just finished the 2nd Uninhabited Island exam, and I was able to counter all the attacks that Tsukishiro and the Whiteroom enforcer threw at me, I ended up in the upper half, which was good enough to secure my safety and make sure to not disrupt much of my peaceful school life, the only ones who'd only notice my name are the ones that pay close attention to me.

Anyway, enough of those stressful events, for now, I want to relax, and maybe try and enjoy my summer vacation this time. Last year was a bit too eventful for my liking, with all that pervertedness of the three idiots and me getting stuck in an elevator with Ibuki, who had started softening, little by little, at least, that's what Hiyori told me. Then, there was also that time when I helped Katsuragi, but I didn't really mind that one.

This year, I'll be trying my best to avoid all troublesome things, since I'm sure that more of those things will come once the new semester starts, so for now, I should just relax and do my best to enjoy this. 

Hmm, for now, I guess I should go prepare for my appointment with a certain someone, which will be in about..... 10 minutes..... How did I even lose track of time? Daddy isn't going to be happy when I get back to the White Room. Wait did I just call that man daddy? What the hell, must be the heat.

I just sighed and took a quick shower, probably, the quickest shower I've ever had in my whole life, but anyway, I wore some casual clothes, which is pretty much light-colored short-sleeved polo over a white shirt and some pants.

After that, I went out and made my way to Keyaki mall at a rather faster pace than usual. There weren't many people outside, probably because of the heat, I don't blame them, the heat is pretty annoying, even when I was in my room earlier with the air conditioning on, I could still feel the heat for some reason, maybe it's hotter this year compared to last year...

When I got there, I saw her immediately, she looked very impatient, well, I am about 3 minutes late, and she's used to me being pretty early because I've been early in our previous appointments. I sighed before walking towards her, hopefully, she won't be mad.

"Yo." I greeted.

"You're late." She said.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I kind of lost track of time." I said.

".....I guess I'll let you off for now, since what we're doing isn't that important." She said.

"Uh, ok. What are we going to do anyway?" I asked.

"You'll see later, just follow me." She said.

"The last time I just "followed you." It didn't end good." For me at least.

"Well, it's your choice, your time would just be wasted if you go back now." She said.

"Right. Let's go then, I guess." I said. She just nodded at my response, then, we started walking.

We went to the 2nd floor of the mall and walked towards, what seems like a line with a lot of people. This seems familiar.

"This is it?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"What is this? What are we lining up for?" I asked.

"Oh right, I haven't told you. Fortune telling, that's what we're lining up for." Wow, I didn't expect that. Last year, when I invited Horikita, she immediately declined, but this time, she's the one inviting me.

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