Perverts and Side Characters

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*Yes, it is what you think it is.
-I've decided to just update at least once a week so that it won't hinder my studies.
+Not that I actually study.

"I can't believe you guys were planning on peeping..."

"Wow... That's disgusting."

"I never expected something like this to happen..."

"I'm pretty sure none of us thought or even expected girls to peep on us since it's usually the other way around." 

"Hah! You must be crazy to think we were planning on peeping on all of you." 

"Matsushita-san! Be quiet!" Kushida said.

"Ah... Right, right, sorry." Matsushita said.

"Hoh? So you were planning on peeping on a specific guy, ay?" Ryuuen said while glancing at a particular guy, which was me. 

"N-No..." That slight stutter won't get past Ryuuen...

"Well, it would actually be more believable if they were actually eyeing someone specific... Like Hirata perhaps?" Keisei said.

"AHAHA, there's no way we would even bat an eye on that Senpai! Especially if- Mphpf!" Before Amasawa could mention a name, Horikita immediately covered her mouth. And if you're wondering why they're not restrained or anything, it's because of Amasawa who knocked Albert out cold when he tried to tie them up. On a side note, I'm quite surprised that they haven't tried to run away yet.

"Especially if... What?" Hashimoto asked.

"Fufu, Hashimoto-kun." Sakayanagi said while looking straight at Hashimoto making him shut up. That's scary... Then again, I shouldn't talk since I also do it, or rather, did it to Horikita that one time. The look, I mean.

"Enough of that, we still need to think of a way to punish these perverts." Ryuuen said. That actually surprised me, I thought he had already decided to just straight up use violence... 

"P-Perverts?! We're not perver- .....Actually, I guess we are considering what you caught us doing..."

"I have an idea on how we can punish them!" Ike said.

"Even though I know you're going to say something stupid, I'll let you say it." Ryuuen said.

"Well, it's pretty simple! One way to fight perverts is to play their own game! Be perverts! But more perverted!" I don't know what's more saddening, the fact that I knew Ike would say that, or the fact that Ike said that...

"Pervert." Everybody, except Ike, said. Finally, one thing both sides can agree on.

"Can't we just report them to the school?" Kanzaki suggested. Bad idea.

"Are you crazy? Do you want your class points to go down? Actually... Yeah, let's report your classmates so that our classes can bury yours." Ryuuen said. And it's not just that, surely Nagumo would catch wind of this if we report them. And if he did actually catch wind of this incident, he'd surely use it to blackmail the three class leaders. I can't let that happen, only I can do that... And well, Ryuuen at times I guess.

"Right... I didn't think about that..." Kanzaki said.

"Ah, I've got the perfect punishment." Ishizaki said.

"What is it?" Ryuuen asked and Ishizaki whispered it to Ryuuen, and after whispering whatever Ishizaki whispered to Ryuuen's ear, Ryuuen looked at me and smirked. 

"You, Suzune's orbiter." He said while pointing at me and now everybody looked at me...

"Me?" I asked while point to myself.

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