I'm running out of ideas, so I just did this.

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3rd Person POV
Pool: Near the girls' changing rooms

"Umm, i-is it to late to apologize?" One of the perverts asked.

"Apologize?! Even if we let you apologize that wouldn't solve things, you pervert!" A girl shouted.

"I'm disappointed at you, Sudo-kun, I thought you changed, and I was even planning to ask you out, but now that you've done this, I've changed my mind and, in fact, I don't even want to involve myself with you anymore, I'll just have a nice long talk with Ayanokouji-kun in private." A black haired girl said.

"S-Suzune, p-please, let us explain ourselves!" Sudo said.

"Fufu, we'll give you a chance, what's your explanation?" Sakayanagi said.

"I-It was that guy's plan!" Ike shouted.

"Who is that "guy", exactly?" Matsushita asked.

"Ayanokouji." Ike answered.

"O-Oi, Kanji, he wasn't in-" Ike cut Sudo off from his whispering.

"Shhh! Can't you see? This is your chance to ruin him!" Ike whispered while shouting.

"Pfft, yeah right, that's impossible, Kiyopon is an innocent child, the most he's the dense and innocent protagonist of this series! He won't do such a thing." Haruka proudly exclaimed.

"Yeah, although I don't get anything that Hasebe-san said, it's impossible for it to be him." Ichinose said while supporting Haruka.

"L-Let us explain! Please!" Another pervert said.

"Yeah, Ayanokouji contacted us last Monday and he told us the plan!" A guy said.

"Hah? That's impossible, I was with Kiyotaka that whole day and he didn't even touch his phone." Kei said.

"Eh? Karuizawa-san, you know Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose asked.

"Ichinose-san, let's focus at the matter at hand, which is disciplining these perverts." Kei said.

"Ah right right." Ichinose said while completely forgetting about what just happened with Kei earlier.

"W-We meant Tuesday!" Another pervert said.

"Fufu, that's impossible, me and Masumi-san were with him, they were having a contest on who can draw me first and who has a much beautiful drawing." Sakayanagi said.

"Yeah, that's what happened." Kamuro supported her master.

"Wednesday!" Once again, a pervert said.

"Huh? That can't be, I was with him in the cinema the whole day and his phone was dead, we were even holding hands." Surprisingly, it was Ibuki who said that.

"T-Thursday...?" Trying to find an escape route, the perverts continued.

"No, no, that's impossible, me and Ichinose-san were with him and he was patting our heads while we were in the library, right, Ichinose-san?" Hiyori said.

"F-Friday?!" Now, the perverts are desperate.

"Nah, me and Kiryuuin-chan were making out with him in his room" Amulet-senpai said.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now