The (Not So) Great Debate!

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*Man, 2021 is speed... Well, at least my streak of not accomplishing anything for 5 years is still standing strong.
-Not really a Debate but I needed a title.

"Where are we now?"

"Hmm, this looks like a courthouse..." 

"A courthouse?! Did someone commit a crime or something?"

"Calm down, I'm pretty sure this isn't a courthouse... It's too big to be a courthouse, besides, there's no Judge's table or whatever you call that." 

"You seem to know a thing or two about courthouses, I wonder why."

"Are ya tryna say somethin', Sakayanagi?" 

"I don't know, perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not."

"That's enough you two, you're disturbing a lot of people with those auras of yours."

"Ara? The former student council president?"

"Horikita-senpai? What are you doing here?"

"That's a question I that I'd like to know the answer to as well." 

"Hmm, looking around, it seems like the adults aren't here..."

"Now that Ichinose-san mentions it, that does seem to be the case."

"Even some of the other students aren't here as well..."

"Just what the hell is this and where are we? Oi, you good-for-nothing Student Council president, is this some scheme of yours?"

"First of all, you have no right to call me good-for-nothing, second, this has no connection to me whatsoever. Heck, I didn't even know that there's such a place on the campus." 

"That's because there isn't. And to avoid that question of whether or not you're on campus, you're not. Well, you are, but... Anyway, it's complicated." A male voice said. 

"Who are you? Where are we? And what's your purpose?"

"Good questions. Firstly, I'm, uh, I don't really have a name yet... Ok, let's skip that, so the answer to your second question, you're in a debate chamber or hall, whatever you call it. My purpose is to have you guys have a debate or even fight if it comes to that." 

"How come you don't have a name? Don't you have parents or any guardians?" 

"Well, I do, and they actually gave me a name, but I'm not going to use that name because of privacy reasons." 

"How are we goin' to address you then?" 

"Simple! You give me a name! By you, I meant anybody but Ryuuen." 

"Hah? Why can't I name you?"

"Personal reasons... Anyway, suggestions?"

"Well, you're thin as a bamboo... And long..."

"You also look quite paler than a usual human would..."

"And you also have very dark eye bags..."

"Those are quite insulting but unfortunately, they're true, so go on..."

"Ah, I've got it!"

"Akito? Ok, let's hear it." 




"Well, you're thin, pale, huge and dark eye bags, black eyes. You reminded me of Henry stickman." Akito said.

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